Story 1: The Locker Room
Limited character development, few plot points, no real overriding social commentary-- just smut. readers may also note that this story started in 2013; it's been sitting half-complete for about two and a half years.
Spirit of \'67
Maybe a little social commentary or maybe a striptease," said a female voice from the darkness. "i like to think of it as art..."
Lucien's Debut
Combined with my social commentary in my journal entries here, and i'm sure a fair number are going to be utterly repulsed.
Ruff Start
This story contains a bit of social commentary i was interested in expanding, but it just didn't fit. maybe one day... i should note that 'rael' is actually pronounced 'reye-ehl'. also i agree that it's a very cheesy title.
The Ambassador part 1
social commentary and hurry/human sexuality transpire here. '''''''''''''' the ambassador, part 1. like most professions, training for elite ambassadorship takes years from a person's life.
"a lot of photo projects are about ... psychological conflicts, political tensions, social commentary, all that. i mean, i've done that. agricultural ghost towns. the struggle of being a rural artist." he motor-boated his lips. sighing.
* * * _hey nequ, is this some kind of social commentary on capitalism?_ one, no this isn't youtube. or twitter.
The Infidel
This is not a social commentary. this is not meant to be any sort of psychological insight into what drives anyone to religious extremism. the easily offended need not apply.
Revelations - Chapter 27: The Second Revelation
**Thursday, June 4th, 2015** Julia tucked her paws under her arms, watching with both guilt and satisfaction as the two squad cars drove away from the school. Raenne didn't do anything by halves, that was for damn sure. The tigress had filed assault...
The Shoot
"attack of the 50 foot human," a thinly-veiled social commentary on the evils of mammals with too much power. the monster, obviously a tyrannosaurus in a rubber suit, was being attacked by the saurian military as his foot smashed through a freeway.
Catch A Falling Star
It doesn't have the personal impact of the hunters, nor the social commentary of police dog (next up), but i don't mind the story one bit.
Companions Chapter 31: Dysfunction Junction
Doug dabbed his mouth and hands daintily with his napkin, making fred snort at the blatant social commentary, then stood up to leave. "well i gotta go. good to see ya, froederick," he teased.