Catholic Bitch: Bad Dog!, Part 4
She grabbed the used condom and stuffed both into her bottom drawer. then, still reeking of sex, cum, and dog, she hastily dressed.
IMYANH :- Wake up call
Stu asked as he looked around at the used condoms. "oh yeah," kate answered as she looked at the mess.
Charlie and Bob: The Birthday
Bob knew this and was cleaning up the library after a particularly long session of sex education with used condoms all over the floor and some of the tables. he wanted the birthday party to be right here, in the library, past closing hours.
My girl is a boy part 6 - Remembering and forgetting the past
Rin: "i don't think so; i scouted the place before i lured you in and there were many used condoms just lying around so i think people just come here to fuck."
The Local Cumdump
Much like my life regrets or the bag of old dried up used condoms inside my belly. sometimes i think back to the fateful night that changed my life forever.
Grass Seed
She likes using condoms, so i'll keep filling them instead of her." "good." she rubbed the back of his head and they continued pushing through the grass. "besides, i can't make bunnies filling the void."
A Life in College: A Look Back, Part 2
I held the used condom in my paw, now unsure of what to do with it. i looked at chelsea, and she pointed to a trashcan at the foot of her bed. "what about your parents?" i asked. "i'll tell them," she said.
Kevin's Interlewd
He didn't use condoms with the girls, since they all wanted creampies. condoms were for when he needed to jerk it but couldn't afford to make a mess he couldn't hide.
Revelations - Chapter 29: The Third Revelation, Continued.
"and we've used condoms since then." "that's...that's good," charlotte said. "you're both too young to have cubs. or rather, you're so young that you_shouldn't_ have cubs." "yeah, mom was worried about that too.
Mass Effect: Blowing Off Steam
Shepard got up and discarded the used condom before heading to the bathroom to wash her hands. while standing at the sink she paused a moment as the water ran, staring down at her hands covered in purple turian seed.
Serenifi: Double Z Training Video
Whether we use condoms or not. 2. the ages of our performers. or c. the possibility of purchasing a copy of "the wizard of jizz"? random guy: could i get a job here? wait, what? i thought for sure that... oh, well.
The Fancy Institute - 3.0 (extreme content - see description)
The head orderly took their collection of used condoms and skewered the whole lot of them on single safety pin.