BYWAYS - Chapter 1
Keeping his mom and dad in mind while making sure he wasn't inconveniencing his asshole brother anton. shithead. mikey was pure sunlight, and anton hated him for it sometimes.
Night of the Leopards
The scratches marring anton's coat here and there proved as much. anton, on the other hand, was far more accepting of the new.
The canine could feel anton's arm sliding underneath his shirt, gently stroking his chest. pulling anton closer, he felt a familiar bulge pressing against his leg. "my god, anton. how do you still have energy for that?" "oh you should know by now.
werewolf, part 26
anton pushed them down and denis stepped out of them. denis had anton stand and he moved against him, their cocks pressing against each other; anton's slightly longer.
The Twins' Game - part 1/2
Electricity shot through pierce's cock ring and anton's dildo. a strong, painful current, at least for anton, which made them writhe on their seats. anton's vision began to blur. suddenly, pierce jerked on his seat and wildly buckled his hips forward.
Milo's Obedience Traning
anton said, giving them both a pet. "okay, back up here. we aren't finished yet." anton said as he patted the sofa and began the next chapter.
Milo's Obedience Training
anton had not let him cum again during story time either. it hadn't been that long but he been wound up tight by anton.
Tourney Maiden Fair
"anton?" he heard a voice call out to him. anton nearly jumped, spinning around to find himself face to face with his brother. "oh.... it's just you..." anton said as he saw kenan.
Circles (Un)Broken - Ch. 5 : Samuel
The otter was loyal and extremely stubborn to a fault to his closest friends, that is, anton. sam didn't know how the two met, but anton and sydney seemed to be pretty close when anton first came to work in the hip.
Trevor's Trials, Volume 4 - Lunch Break
The combined actions of the rabbit boys sending a tremor though anton's body with each impact, powerful enough that i could feel the shock wave pulsate into me through anton's talented mouth. "ah, anton... i'm cumming..."
Antone's Lament
Clothes to wear until yours dried out" antone said softly.
BYWAYS - Chapter 4
anton's phone buzzed. he didn't look at the text. "yeah? what is it? don't waste my time if you're not gonna-" anton pulled the dick down, pressing it against the duct tape-wrapped edge.