Chapter 2: Mysteries and Revelations, Part 1: Rescue

The Wind rushes up to meet my face as I begin my perilous descent. My screams are carried away on the wind, scattering in all directions. I flail my arms as I fall faster, bandages flapping wildly behind me. As gravity takes control, I only just...

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Chapter 1: A Hero's Beginning, Part 2: Recovery and Discovery

Two weeks pass while my various injuries heal. Every morning I would wake up feeling energized, but come night I would slump into bed like a bear. Anea said it might be the toxins helping me, but I was not sure. She did some research to try and find...

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Prison's Embrace

The silence in the air hangs heavy on my head. The cold cell walls encompass my will, my freedom. Every breath I take is another breath that I am alive. Pain knows no bounds where I am. It is given mercilessly and ruthlessly, I cannot seem to get any...

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Chapter 1: A Hero's Beginning, part 1: Loss

Morning, on a Saturday. What a lovely day to wake up to. The sun is shining, there are a few clouds in the sky, and the birds are singing. The only thing that could make it worse was if a villain similar to those in comic books suddenly appeared to...

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Prologue: Dark Days

The rain fell like meteors on a barren planet. The trees were few and scattered on the vast plain. Craters and boulders; debris the size of cars lay thrown haphazardly on the scorched earth like Armageddon. In the distance, a once proud city now stood...

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Chapter 4: Rising Tensions, Part 1: Day of Discovery

Over the centuries in human history, there have been countless great scientific discoveries. Many of the world's greatest minds originate from a multitude of different places around the world. From the start of the US colonies in New England to modern...

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Chapter 3, Part 2: Alternate version: A Meeting with a Wolf

**Series: A Hero's End, A Legends Rise** **Book 1: Protectors of Earth** **Chapter 3: The Way of The Warrior** **Part 2: Meditation Heals the Mind: Alternative** **Year: May 19, 2017: Noon** ** ** For lunch I grabbed a can of spaghetti and some...

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Chapter 3: The Way Of The Warrior, Part 3: Tricks of The Trade

Time seems to fly by as I sit in the middle of the clearing in the forest. The only sounds I hear are my breathing and the animals around me. I let my mind wonder as I did when inspecting the power of the materializing talisman. The world opens up to...

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Chapter 3: The Way Of The Warrior, Part 2: Meditation Heals The Mind

For lunch I grabbed a can of spaghetti and some bread with some preserved milk. I did not want to keep Quin Shun waiting long, but I also wanted to try out the charm he gave me. Of course, I will be using it for my training as well as to materialize a...

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Chapter 3: The Way Of The Warrior, Part 1: Preperations

A warm ray of sunlight streams through a window and into a hollow and empty log cabin. One lone occupant lies resting peacefully in a comfy single bed at the back of the cabin. The morning wind wakes the trees to the song of a beautiful day as it warms...

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Chapter 2: Mysteries and Revelations, Part 3: Plans

Brick and mortar crumble softly onto the cracked tiles as I walked along an abandoned hall. Hallway lights dangle from the ceiling on bare threads of wire, broken. The pristine white walls of the lower section of the hospital are now plastered with...

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