Working Hard book 2 part 4
In fact, there's these streaming sites where some furs have cybersex in front of an audience. not that that's what i'm suggesting, i'm just saying if it would make you feel more comfortable we-" alex surprised me, leaning closer.
CyberLove: New Beginnings
Today had been a not so normal day for Aria Porter, she was three weeks removed from graduation and everything felt different. The tiger; 18 years of age was not your normal, everyday young adult. She was different, she was unique, and she knew how to...
The Club-Catching a Slave
"best i can really do is find a guy here and there on the net for a quick cybersex session. not many of them like what i do, or even tolerate it. not that i can blame them, sometimes," the dragon said with a shake of his head, swilling back his drink.
Neek's Family
This mainly was used to have cybersex and go on porn sites. i don't think most of the people i screwed over the internet could have known that i was not roleplaying when i told them that i was an espeon, but who cares? i was happy, very happy.
Proving the Beaver
"i should have tried cybersex long ago!" # "quiet everybody!" the bar tender yelled. "they're talking about us!" he pointed at the tavern's big monitor, then turned up the sound. the patrons turned to look, even the regulars in their booths.
Streaming with Portals
Thanks to the pocket portals he owns, he can provide his watchers an even more hands-on show, and like every weekend so far, he starts his stream by giving away the first session of cybersex to one of his lucky fans for a small fee.
Nature Trail
Chatting up a sexy black mouse buddy of mine on the net for the past hour had been only slightly less vivid than the average bout of cybersex, and the teasing was every bit as brutal.
There's Always A Hidden Cost
About ten minutes later drake and faust were on one of the trams that led to their destination, what drake would have called the lobby screen if he hadn't just been cybersexed over the internet by the serpentine partner that now rode next to him.
Motherly Surprises
"um, does cybersex count?" "no." "then, um...yes?" there was no answer, which surprised him. he had thought that his mother would appreciate him not running off and getting a girl pregnant at college.
Account Swap - Redda Style
Account Swap Redda Style Kris considered the list of people that her twin brother, Mike, had presented. Or his twin, given that her human form was relaxed at Mike's house, wearing the special beta VR headset, while here in the game Kris took...
Ver 3.0
{All characters depicted in this work of fiction are of legal age of consent.} The work week was out. School was closed. But Arcadia never stopped living to the absolute limits. The city was full of life three-hundred-sixty-five days a year,...
PRIVATE CHAT H\_Ron / Inder H\_Ron: She didn't know of course. Inder: You think? H\_Ron: Of course. Look I got the coords right here. The door is hidden behind a bush. I tied that ribbon you gave me to the base of the bush. ATTACHMENT: MAP Inder:...