To Boldly Hoof It Ch 19. Mistakes! Mistakes Everywhere!
Blueblood thought for a moment. " the lord of the rings trilogy, why didn't they just use the eagles to fly to mordor instead of walking the whole way? that would have made everything so much easier!" he turned to his friends on the tardis.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays
Something along the lines of shadow of mordor style, or more open world. slowly unlocking more and more atonements as the game went on, as well as many different combinations of them." everyone nodded in agreement. "thais, no doubt here."
Ripple Effect
(boromir, about mordor) "so..." klein asked fugue nervously, "what have you been up to?"
The Tip Of The Iceberg
Explorer/opened world: probably shadow of mordor. tower-defense: orcs must die! unchained. horror: silent hill 2. rpg: this one's a little hard, but i think i'll go with final fantasy tactics. mmo: guild wars. the first one, not the second." "brawler?"
10. My New Life-9-1
"i found a datafile in nathan's personal datapad, it turned out that star fleet had secretly created a military-variant chakat for the new mordor situation about a century ago to hunt down sauron; known as chakamils, they are chakats with enhanced aggression
I.D. INJECTOR DOE - That Indestructible Something
It's mordor, and we're unarmed hobbits and there is no distraction at the black gates to save us. we get it." the unicorn put a foreleg over gregoria's withers. "we're going anyway." crown looked at his ebony, swiss-cheese hooves.
(boromir, about mordor) "so..." klein asked fugue nervously, "what have you been up to?"