A weekend to remember-NOVEL
#1 of a weekend to remember-novel i found this picture about 3 years ago, it's not mine, it was apparently drawn my an artist who no one knows the whereabouts now, his name was allegedly mike sherman, so 4 years ago, i decided to write a story around it having
Sinful Kisses - partial novel
#1 of novels my vampire. werewolf, supernatural romance novel for your reading pleasure. update!!! i have added a bit more to the last chapter available!
Enticing Darkness partial novel
#2 of novels old old old i wrote this in high school xd added some more chapters in! enjoy!
Jake's List: novel sample
The full novel is available here: [http://furplanet.com/shop/item.aspx?itemid=531](http://furplanet.com/shop/item.aspx?
Children of War - Novel Excerpt
Please read: this is the beginning of a novel i wrote back in 2006. the english is very basic, i was not very good back then, but i hope the story itself will make up for it. the entire novel has two parts.
WRITER'S BLOCK (an erotic novel)
An idiosyncratic novel about the problems that can arise when writing a novel i'm unconvinced that the formatting of the book would translate happily to sf's upload window, and in any case i have no wish to break it into individual chapters.
A Novel Wife, A Model Woman
Check out mirana's reference here miranda cheng **a novel wife, a model woman** miranda didn't have to work today, but she still found herself working.
"Wolf Boy" a Fantasy Novel
Because sofurry doesn't have a direct pdf upload feature, i'm trying out a little something different with the upload of my in-progress novel "wolf boy".
The Dark Blog: Submitting a novel
Sofawolf is ready to receive your novel submissions.
Recontextualize 23 - Novel Experiences
After the end of a terrifying shift where the ZPD made remarkable progress, Nick was going home. They had found the hippo William Tusk which was not involved thankfully, and they let him go without a fuss. Since Nick had never seen who attacked him...
Tai's Story - Fan-made Tropes List!
The novel contains erotic scenes between the two under aged furry characters ('cubs' or 'kits,') but the nature of the novel is far from pornographic. it has a plot, legitimate character development, and, once again, is novel length.
Green Fairy (Dangerous Spirits #1) Spoiler-Free Review
I can't state my love for this novel fully without spoiling it, so check out my spoiler review if you've already read the novel! this book meant a lot to me, it was very relatable, and made me cry, something very few novels have done.