Broken Web
Webster said, scratching his head between his horns and breaking the silence of ronin's horror, "what do you want me to do?" ronin swallowed hard and let out a quiet sigh.
Against All Odds: Extraction Ch.8
ronin decided to follow, for the simple reason of that he actually enjoyed cooking. the trio entered the kitchen, and yima turned to look at ronin and rahne.
Against All Odds: Extraction Ch.14
"rena, i'm sure that ronin was a great guy, if even half of what gabe told me was true," rahne told rena. "besides, if anything, ronin would want us to remember him as he was.
A well-earned Tavern Visit - Ronin's impregnating a barmaid
ronin had already gone, leaving her used body to the night.
In the Shadow of Blossoms
Hide, had crept up behind the ronin, his sword just being swung back, about to slice the wolf upon the top of his head.
Against All Odds: Extraction Ch.13
_why ronin, why did you do it?_ the vixen thought to herself. then it hit her. what ronin told her not even two days ago. _'when i look at tom, i see myself.
Kaiju Hunters-It Begins
"this is tactic ronin. we are ready to engage." "copy that ronin. you are authorized to use firearms if necessary." "understood."
Krystal and Chase: Iron Sight P3
"does this look odd to you ronin?" krystal called to him, "ronin?" "huh?" chase's ears perked, and then he realized that krystal was talking to him, "oh, what's up ronin-2?"
Krystal and Chase: Reunion P2
On missions, i was ronin-1. he was ronin-2. we weren't just partners, but very close friends. for years we worked together, not just as a team, but as close friends.
Lost legend of Agrok Ch. 7: Captivity
ronin couldn't help the tiny twinge of jealousy at seeing the gryphlet curl up with grenz like he was her father. her own father was gone and agrok was captive, leaving poor ronin all alone.
Le Paciscor, Chapter 1
"ronin," the wolf said, handing the deer the laptop, "here ya go."