So You've Been Transmogrified: Vix

The vixen broke off from vix leaving her disappointed. the one behind pulled her up abit raising vix head off her breasts. she began to kiss vix just as passionately as the other had. the other came to level with vixs wet and dripping sex.

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The Victoria Chronicles - 14, A Relic of Times Past

vix replied. vix looked off towards the horizon and took a deep breath to steel herself. "ok. let's go."

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The Victoria Chronicles - 16, Dinner and a Show

vix said. "yes miss." the man said, "can we go now?" "yes. off you go." vix said dismissing them.

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SYBT: Madish Scientist Vix

vix said chuckling as she examined the tube for any breaks or chips. vix leaned back in the chair again still chuckling when she heard a sharp crack. the back of the chair snapped and vix fell backward onto the floor.

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The Victoria Chronicles - 10, A Load of Scrap

vix said simply. frank looked to vix then back to pops in astonishment. "yep, she's full of surprises alright." pops said, vix looked away slightly in genuine modesty. "yeah, well..." vix trailed off.

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SYBT: Condition, Horse

She licked her lips clean of vix's juices, an action which made vix just a touch more horny for the mare. vix felt the mare shifting her off her shoulders and let her touch the floor. vix buckled her legs feeling like jello.

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Enthralling Entertainment

vix replied, then shook her head. "that was a joke. no, no, just call me vix and..." she frowned as she looked over the dragon.

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The Ethics Committee Didn't Approve This Did They?

Mason rose at the tap from vix and he stood now at 7 foot 4. he looked down at vix's only five foot nine. vix was dumbstruck, "uhhhh..." she mumbled. "beautiful, don't you think, miss vix," mason said flexing.

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Vix & Luma

.) ~ all nsfw scenes: chapter 2: brooke & vix. m lycan x f human. chapter 5: brooke & vix. m lycan x f human. chapter 7: unknown m human x f floatzel. chapter 8: brooke & vix. m lycan x f human. chapter 11: brooke & vix.

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The Victoria Chronicles - 15, A Ton of Bricks

Just vix? sheila asked hesitantly. "just vix." vix mumbled eventually. "oh. does that stand for anything?" sheila tried again. at least she got something at last. "it stands for vix. a little girl named me that after seeing me." vix sighed.

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