Vix & Luma

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#14 of A Night She Couldn't Resist



Existing; complete stories: 'Midnight.' (Male umbreon x fem trainer.) 'A Night She Couldn't Resist.' (Male midnight lycanroc x fem trainer.) 'Cassidy's Journey.' (Male braixen x fem trainer.)'Only Crystal.'(Male human x fem espeon.)


All NSFW scenes: Chapter 2: Brooke & Vix.

M lycan x F human.

Chapter 5: Brooke & Vix.

M lycan x F human. Chapter 7: Unknown

M human x F floatzel.

Chapter 8: Brooke & Vix.

M lycan x F human.

Chapter 11: Brooke & Vix.

M lycan x F human.

~ Non-canon: Chapter 13: Pyro & Luma.

M torracat x F alolan vulpy.

Chapter 15: Brooke & Vix & Pyro.

M lycan x M torracat x F human.Part 1.

Chapters 1-9. Part 2.~ Timeline of all stories and upcoming projects are available in my profile.

It was just past midnight. An utterly silent one spread across all of Malie other than the usual bargoers and wild pokémon whose cries echoed faintly.

Brooke and Parker had screwed up big time. They'd taken a day trip to Heahea Island to visit Hano earlier today.

They hadn't booked a room but dined and explored, bought a couple of things-- mostly Brooke, and of course, she had taken Luma along, but when they returned home hours later, exhausted and concerned only with rest--

they forgot something.

The door was wide open. Brooke, Parker, Pyro, and Luma. All four were asleep in bed, and Brooke usually closed the door to keep a certain pokémon out to cut the chance of him bugging her to mate and to protect Luma.

But she failed, that certain pokémon was horny as he was every night while curled up on the living room couch, and since his female was out of the equation, that left him with one possible other.

One Vix had tucked away in the back of his mind for this situation: Luma, and she was easy to access right now. This may be Vix's one and only chance.

He got up and hopped down from the couch, standing on his hind legs and walking to Parker's room. He stopped before the door and looked into the nearly pitch-black room other than what moonlight seeped through the curtained window.

His bright red eyes glared sharply against the darkness. Vix could see clearly. He shot his gaze from Parker spooning Brooke under the covers from behind to Pyro sprawled on his back beside Luma on her stomach near the bottom of the bed.

But how could Vix snag her without waking anyone? Torracat were annoyingly light sleepers unless they happened to fall into a deep one, but Pyro was distanced enough from her that Vix could get away with it.

However, if he were caught, Parker would release him and think he had attempted to eat Luma or something, and Brooke would know exactly what he was up to and likely vouch for the same.

So, he just wouldn't get caught.

Vix crept in on all fours while staying low to the carpet until reaching the bed frame, then stood slowly, level with the small, fragile vulpix. All he had to do was reach. He had to reach and grab his prey.

And so he did. Vix climbed halfway onto the frame, leaned over, carefully set his paws on Luma's sides so as not to wake her, and started pulling her off the bed.

She had yet to stir. No one had so far, but his heart was starting to beat, and he could feel nervous heat build alongside adrenaline as the situation set in.

Even still, Vix continued, tugging her body until her rear edged the bed. Then he would need to hold her without dropping her because she'd probably cry out.

He felt Luma start to shift, which made him stiffen but move faster, pulling her off the point of no return. He turned her around after sliding her off the mattress, hugged and tucked her against his chest with one arm, and hurried out of the room while low to the ground again.

Luma was barely awake and very disoriented. She opened her groggy eyes and saw her surroundings moving in the dark against rushed and jerky movements.

She slightly lifted her head and whimpered in confusion and fear, which muffled and cut short by a paw briefly covering her mouth.

Vix stopped in the kitchen by the counter and drawers, held her out, and dropped her before him on the cold tile, wearing a usual devious smirk without bearing teeth this time.

Luma fell on her side, cowering while staring up at Vix with petrified eyes and a quivering body. Her first thought was death. Vix was going to sink his teeth into her throat, and she would suffer the same fate most vulpix did as useless prey.

Vix eyed her and knew very well what she was feeling. It was nothing he hadn't seen when snatching them for meals in the wild.

However, he was never a pokémon to torture or keep them hostage for mating purposes like some other predatory pokémon did if the vulpix's skulk didn't come to save them. Keeping them alive was a huge risk if they had a living family that tracked their young.

Plus, Vix saw them only as food. He always ended his prey quickly, and the most he would hear was an initial short-lived whimper or squeal.

The female pokémon he had his way with were species of his size, bigger, or ones he never or rarely hunted, so he'd never tried a vulpix, but that was no longer his lifestyle. "Lycan... roc rn."

Luma still trembled with wide eyes but tilted her head at his words. His gaze held no remorse. It pierced her heart and made her want to cry for Brooke and run for her life, although she was frozen in place.

But Vix just said he didn't want to kill her. So, why had he taken her from bed then? "V-V-Vl?" she muttered.

His smirk grew. Vix first looked behind him into the dark living room, then shifted back to Luma. "Lyroc. L lyca."

Luma went stiff and swallowed, glancing at his crotch and testes. He was showing, which she could make out just enough due to her eyes having adjusted to the dark.

"Vhl..." He wanted her body, which she had only given to Pyro so far. There were a few issues with this. Luma _knew _Vix was bigger than Pyro, she didn't want to endure barbs from a mon that would obviously be rougher with her, and she wasn't into Vix in the first place.

She sighed and gave him a soft stare. "Pix?... P-P-Px?"

Vix only stared at the submissive vulpix, his stance and glare unfaltering.

She asked him what he wanted. What he would do.

Well, she was a lucky vulpix, because what he _really _wanted was to abuse her throat and make her gag and whimper until hacking up his release, but he wouldn't because he couldn't afford to harm her. Vix would have to be rather gentle with her body. "Canroc. Lyca, lyc."

Luma subtly nodded. He wanted only to mate her, apparently. Not that she had a choice, but she'd only allow this under one condition because she didn't want to be hurting again the entire time. "Vulpix?..."

Vix's expression changed briefly into one of slight puzzlement. What did she mean barbs? Did he look like some kind of torracat or liepard. He shook his head.

She eased up a little. Wait, really? How would that feel then? It couldn't feel any worse.

They'd reached enough of an understanding. Vix was through chatting with his temporary toy. He looked back once more before reaching down, grabbing her sides, and swiftly turning her around with a slight squeak coming from her in response to his unexpected action.

Her backside now faced him. He eyed her overall petite build and tiny slit between her legs and under her short fluffy tails, wondering if he could fit without damaging her at this point, but there was only one way to find out.

Luma kept still and glanced back a couple of times while awaiting Vix's next move, stiff as ice. She flinched upon him placing his paws on her hips, feeling their pads run over and tuck against her inner thighs, which made her exhale and chill over.

She assumed he'd take her like this. Maybe it was the standard position for mating.

Luma then felt something that made her cheeks heat up and eyes dilate for a second, even though she should have expected it. Vix had pulled her back and pressed his warm, erect tip to her vulva, then rolled her hips up and down with his paws while shifting against her.

He leaned in and lowered himself some, pressing his crotch against hers and teasing her entrance with his tip while taking soft breaths, his length stiffening against the stimulation.

Vix knew he'd hit her cervix and then some, which could be painful if he went too hard.

"V-Vl..." The attention sent pleasurable waves around her labia and entrance that made her push her hips back reflexively. Her body asked for more, and no barbs sparked her curiosity, but the fact that one of her natural predators was about to use her felt wrong entirely.

Luma didn't know how to feel about it, and she still didn't like Vix. She liked Pyro.

Vix stopped, his member twitching under its sheath. He was now more aroused than ever, full of nothing but sheer lust and the feral urge to relieve himself. He lifted Luma off her hind paws a little to grant him a better angle and fit his tip between her labia, pushing his hips.

His eyes softened as he parted her lips and slid slowly inside her, feeling her cool and simultaneously warm embrace encompass his cock. "Lyc..." Vix murmured. He watched his sheath uncover against her folds while going deeper, though, unfortunately, he was stopped by her cervix when over half his length was inside.

"Vlpih!" Luma squealed, flattened her ears, and briefly curled her hind paws after feeling him press her cervix. It felt pleasurable and provided a mild pressure, but Vix hadn't been as gentle as he could've, so it simultaneously radiated with a dull pain she felt swell in her groin.

He would have to work with what he had, but it felt sensational nonetheless. He started rocking his hips at a steady pace while tugging her into his thrusts, his tip kissing her cervix with each one.

"Lycnn..." he groaned under his breath and pushed out his tongue while her relatively cool, gently grooved walls slicked and caressed his wet cock, making him spurt pre inside her. They filled him with a numbing warmth that made him go faster while his testes swayed with his motions.

Luma may feel better than Brooke, arguably, but Vix felt much better about himself when dominating Brooke. Humping Luma's twice-as-tight pussy was to die for, though. He only wished he could go deeper.

"V-Vh-ixx," Luma whimpered with one eye shut. "Vpp_ixx!_"

"Lyc!" he growled without slowing his pace.

Luma glanced back nervously and closed her mouth, murmuring and tensing her hind legs whenever Vix thrust into her while her front ones quivered, opening her mouth at times to gasp or pant.

He'd told her to shut up, essentially. Rude after she hadn't put up an ounce of a fight or flight, first of all, and like _that _would be easy when the pleasure she experienced from his smooth length doused her canal in an increasingly cozy heat alongside the additionally pleasurable discomfort she felt when he hit her cervix. "Vhmphm," she moaned, muffled by her closed mouth. Luma's pussy radiated in euphoria that drew her slowly to an orgasm.

He grunted while humping harder and hearing her helpless noises get louder, lost in her narrow, pulsating walls that treated his thrusts with bliss, although he wanted a better angle.

Their session was audible, wet and slick while their privates interacted so intimately, and Vix felt hotter, as did his cock, making him stick out his tongue and start to pant while nearing climax already. It wasn't usual that he finished so quickly, but her temperature, tightness, and the overall sensations it brought were new and overwhelming.

Luma's tongue was lolled under quick, short breaths, meanwhile, and she had to spread her front paws to keep herself standing on her weak legs. "Vhh... Llllxs," she murmured and groaned lowly, saliva oozing from her tongue and dripping onto the floor.

Her mind was numb, and her vision hazy. It felt so, so good. Vix's scary grunts frequently filled her ears, and she could feel him tug her body harder while his sharp claws pressed into her skin, which she hoped he wouldn't puncture.

Without warning, she felt him run his paws down and grab her hind legs' ankles, pull them up to meet his hips, and hold them in claws while pumping roughly, which put even more pressure on her front paws. "Xhp... V-V." Luma winced, gritted her teeth, and often tightly curled her hind paws, twitching them as he hit her cervix harder.

"Chnnn. Hn." Vix's smirk grew, humping her little snatch at a more leveled angle and feeling his vision blur momentarily while her slimy walls massaged and gripped his cock. His breaths were rapid and shallow, his groin tingled with his building climax, and he pulled her legs into every thrust, shutting his eyes while tilting his head.

Luma could no longer hold her weight, meanwhile. Her paws slipped, and she collapsed onto her chest with her chin on the floor and legs and paws under her on their topsides while Vix mated her relentlessly.

She was limp, letting his cock and force push her body forward against the tile while keeping her tongue out. "Vul... Vulll," she moaned helplessly, blanking out and slowly closing her eyes.

His thrusts began to wane, losing a sense of pace as he closed in. "Lhhcroc," he groaned and released her leg. Vix opened his eyes and leaned in, placing a paw on her cheek and puffy hair tuft, and turning her head.

He pressed it against the floor, seeing it squish, and kept her other leg in his paw, humping her pussy and tightly shutting his eyes. The vulpix was nothing but a toy. Luma truly didn't know how lucky she was not to be wild.

"Hxm. Hvh," she mumbled what she could while smooshed under the weight of his paw, keeping her free hind leg's paw curled while its topside rested on the floor.

Luma was close to her peak. She didn't know mating could feel this good. She had no idea. It was unfortunate that Pyro brought her so much more pain because she really did like him.

Vix was at his limit, thrusting rougher than he had and hearing her squirm and squeal repeatedly as a result. He was going hard enough that he'd penetrate her cervix if it were possible.

His breaths heightened and further shallowed, and his jaw shook until everything cut, the tingles and wavy, wet surges of pleasure reached their very zenith. Vix clenched his teeth and pushed his length as deep as it could go, bending it slightly against her cervix. He pulled and squeezed Luma's hind leg while an orgasm warmed his cock and mind with an explosive white haze, his head swaying while immersed within.

She felt him give slow but deep thrusts into her pussy while spurting cum inside her, which she felt mark her cervix and fill her up, some of his copious release even spilling out and falling onto the floor.

Luma couldn't move a muscle. Even after he dropped her leg and pulled out, she couldn't. She lay there, her sides expanding with breaths she couldn't begin to catch, her limbs and paws twitching, and her tongue still out, drying against the air.

Vix was working on catching his breath as well. He stared down at his work while standing over it, at a seemingly lifeless vulpix with a gaping hole that his fluids oozed out of.

She wasn't hurt, as far as he knew, and he would somehow have to clean her up and get her back to bed. Vix didn't want to. The very thought made him shiver, but he may just have to lick her clean because she didn't seem in any shape to do so.