DreamMaker: All Tied Up

However, with this new development, rory tabbed over to the personal transformations menu, where all his unlocked transformations could be toggled on and off.

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CYOA: Love Potion - Traps

Jody put the purse down, amazed as she watched another person transform slowly and apparently painfully into a tiny, fuzzy little dog. his eyes bugged out, either from surprise, or because he was becoming a chihuahua.

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Insect Queen

She just had to think about some ideas that were insect related...and she quickly came up with one she remembered from the magazine, one that was incredibly kinky, if a little horrific, but she remembered that the person transformed very much had pleasurable

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A Beacon of Change

"looking forward to your personalized transformative experience?" "yeah, umm, just to be sure, it isn't some sort of hazing ritual or something? on the ride here, i realized the wording could mean a lot of things, some of them scary.

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Tales from the Nexus: Dawn of the Dragon (Teaser)

"remember, every person transformed into a dragonling is more power to the dragon king. i will _not_ risk my men for _one_ soul especially if they, themselves, are at risk of being turned." drake balled his fists and shook in fury. "so what then?

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Red-Panda Nanny

I couldn't plan my pet-to-person transformation with father. instead, i had to take direction from coded hints that he spoke. sarah's mother didn't need me to be a clever-pet. jim was too-young to get glee from the clever-pet experience.

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Meeko's Malleability

Thousands of hours of work had gone into psychoanalyzing the feline to ensure they could both effectively and safely bring about his consensual induction to what would be his most personally transformative moment.

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Developing Prints - Chapter 2

She had seen a person transform into a pokemon right in front of her - cam would have gotten freaked out and headed for hiding too.

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What You Wish For

Oh great, another person transforming in the same room as lydia. she shuffled her way to the far side of the table and doubled down on her concentration, trying to zone him out while lala watched him, embarrassed but too curious to look away.

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Digital Life

It is full of expansion, personal transformation, science, technology, space travel, coping with trauma, and a whole lot of bigness. hopefully you all enjoy reading it as much as i did writing it. **digital life** "begin recording.

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HM-11 The Mob Rules

Believe me when i say that a world shattering personality transformation in cynthia is clearly noted and heeded. i think my parents were impressed." teen death and genie then appeared.

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