Wait For No One - Chapter 3 - Time and Tide
He said as they turned left on highway fifty-five, heading toward prince albert.
Jagd Dorsa
It was thick with a gentle upward curve that ended with a blunt head and a precum soaked prince albert that glittered menacingly under the moody lantern light.
Paying Debts
He'd instead untie the weight from his prince albert, and walk the dick into his kitchen, running the faucet and checking the temperature. once certain that it wouldn't be too hot, he'd take some soap, and begin washing the dick.
With a Little Cream On Top
And with this, the parrot felt another cock slap his head: this slap came a little harder, and the parrot could feel a second prince albert gently whap the side of his head.
Unexpected and unaware Ch. 1
He states quickly and clinically piercing the tip of his slave's dick shoving the tube down it and putting a lock through the new hole as a prince albert.
The sweat from his exercise glistened his cobblestone like abs and his huge red cock with a big shiny prince albert piercing hung out the side of his prison of tight yellow jockstrap reaching his knees.
Bill's Bar Trip
Each time the hybrid's tongue teased his prince albert, the rabbit would gasp, a bit girlishly.
Daddy Maker - Story Commission
Pulling out his thick black cock head as pre already starting to leak out as his gold prince albert softly shines from the lamp light. "man... you can never get enough can you."
Duane, the Devil May Care...hmm, Bull doesn't start with D
Dozens of gold rings on at once, gold piercings in his tiny ears, nose, and nips (as well as a large, gilded prince albert), a few golden teeth here and there. even his horns are gold, one of which can be pivoted to point downwards. (they're fake.)
Sweet Bear Wear
Before they moved they watched a bear walk out with a nude bear stepping behind him with his new prince albert dangling between his legs. "thanks for the house call."
A Brojob (Echo VN Fanfiction)
News to jeremy, micha had acquired a prince albert, the metal arch hard to ignore jutting out from the tip of his dick. "whoa! doesn't that hurt?" now it was jeremy peering over at his junk.
Backdoor Deal
He was looking around the area for hookups with prince alberts.