Hades and Philos: Prelude

I could not help but marvel once again at the divine craftsmanship my tailors provided us, especially for the red deer by my side.

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Chapter 1: The Reaper's Weakness

Wolves had firm, bristly hair quite unlike the soft coat of a red deer. juno was very careful, her fingers curled around louis's hand as she luxuriated in his touch.

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Breaking The Line Draft 1, CH 08

The red deer forced a smile. "of course." he relaxed. "sorry, i just worry sometimes i don't show you enough how much i love you." "oh love, if there is one thing you never have to worry about, it is that."

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Chapter 6: A Scandalous Discovery

In the bedroom of louis's royal suite on screen, an older red deer is shown crawling over a naked mufasa.

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Locked chap 2

The red stag muttered softly, as his furry nuts smacked against the stallion's soft equine chin with a soft **_'whap whapwhapwhap.'_**"that's a real cock suckin' mouth you got there."

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The Borders: Before

"speaking of, where is that other prisoner, the red deer?" red deer?! they must be talking about trey! i just hope trey is doing okay.

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Hunter's Moon - Blood Moon - Chapter Two -

._" with a quiet sigh, the air flared a brilliant green, before a spectral red deer materialised out of the either, standing defiantly between cassiopeia and the bleeding out cale.

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Beastars: A nightly rehearsal for two

A flood of cum was instantly unleashed from inside the red deer, and louis had to gather his entire focus not to moan from how good it felt to finally relieve all that pressure.

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Essence Exchange

Louis the red deer does his part to keep his wolf friend legoshi's carnivorous instincts in check.

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Animorphs: Lost Journal 5.5, Chapter 3 - Is the Jar Half-Empty, or Half-Full?

Soon, there'd be 151 kashmir red deer in the world. well, 153, counting us, and bambi's fawn wasn't the only one on the way. i rubbed up against cassie, brushing my side-fur up against the 154th red deer.

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