Freddy Pimpbear's Pussy: Chapter 3
All of the spruced-up and eager-to-please animatronics will be fair game for side chapters running $60 each. note me for details!
Freddy Pimpbear's Pussy: Chapter 6
He erupted with a braying groan, the sound of which bonnie indulgently shared with the other animatronics.
Night 3
In fact, i made out some sentences, and overheard him a few times, and- by the way, the animatronic's talked in garbled messages, it was weird... uh, as i was saying, along with going beyond the animatronic's understanding, it went beyond our 'policies'...
An Acquired Taste
Unable to fight against the animatronic devouring you.
A Nightmare Within a Dream: Chapter 3 - Video Games and Monsters
This time, however, it was another animatronic, instead of the floating yellow light that i had seen before, which i'm guessing was this animatronic's eyes, or eye more like it. this animatronic was much different from the others.
Five Nights at Foxy's - Night One
Sadly, the animatronic and her stage had seen far better days.
Knelle's Night at Freddy's Part II
The compressed, metallic quality of all the animatronics was present but the samples seemed like nothing a childrens' entertainer should be made to say.
Night 1/2 - Fixing Foxy
I heard from the animatronic behind me. turning around i saw the other and he looked much more healthy than he had been when they first met.
Painful Introductions
He fearfully sat there as the animatronic sat there seemingly not moving. kale's eyes traced over the robot before him drinking in the robots frame, shine, and color.
Foxxy and First Shift
He looked at the animatronic through his tear streaked eyes. foxxy knelt down next to the male as the dragon wrapped his claws tighter around his eggs.
First Night
She thought this job was completely ridiculous, being she had to watch the cameras and make sure the animatronics didn't get damaged.
Night One
The animatronics, however, do tend to wander around the restaurant a bit, but that's really nothing to worry about. just uh, don't let them get into the office.