Necessary Monster
Vertebrae cracked and crunched and the ghoul's head came torn from its body. ghouls were tough. it took a lot of work to put one down for good.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 07
The monster laughed hysterically as ghoul cried out in fear. "help me power fur rangers!" ghoul pleaded as he remained suspended by his tail in the monster's hoof. "can we destroy the monster and cry and catch him?"
Zion - LotNM Character Prologue (Anya Fanewatcher)
The fact that he was still alive explained much; she would be dealing with ghouls-- anya greatly enjoyed dealing with ghouls. of all the lesser undead, ghouls were the least common.
Through A Glass Darkly - 7 (final)
Luna settled on to the grass once more, and cotton candy did too, the ghoul as ungainly while sitting as while doing anything, but celestia was still glad to see her.
Chronicals of the Justicar (Prologue)
With the new taste of ghoul energy the leader of the void creatures the self proclaimed void god, lord pandemonium, commanded its spawns to consume the entire ghoul race.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 05
Zyler replied then he strolled over to slash and ghoul. slash saw zyler approach and he tapped ghouls's arm to get his attention. "well lookie who we have here." ghoul said. "hey guys, where do i sign up?" zyler asked.
The Haunted Mansion ch. 4
An arc of her flames burst from the impact, fanned out like a pair of wings and soared to the approaching ghouls. frana turned away when fire met ghouls with a strong burst of wind.
Taste of Fire: Kingpin
A green figure shot from the forest after the ghoul. it was moving faster than the ghoul could chase the pikachu. "a scyther!?" the soldier said, clearly confused by what was going on. the scyther chased after the ghoul with determined speed.
Tales of Adventure Chapter 11
The lesser ghouls now bowed their full bodies to him, crawling on hands and knees. while the skeletal guards, armed and armored as they were, all kneeled.
Expanding Hells Inventory - Chapter 1
"ghoul! take the toy to its kennel."
Expanding Hells Inventory - Chapter 2
First thing in the morning, a ghoul would come to his pen for his first morning walk. the ghouls, toy actually had pity for.
Hunter's Snare - Chapter 5
He stumbled, then fell, as the ghoul levy-turned-ghoul crouched low, pinning his back into place. it continued with its brutal attempts, slashing him again and again until eoin's uniform soaked wet with blood.