Bastion - Pt. 3

The man who they now both respected, and greatly feared placed the box with the copy of the necronomicon on a table. it floated away, somewhere into a dark place above where it will never see the light of day again.

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Bastion - Pt. 2

"it's a copy of the necronomicon." he turns around. "touching it casts a spell.. it makes you intensely curious.. and when you sate that curiosity by opening the book, any page you see in there will drive you instantly mad." he grabs a box from his pack.

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Cyber Mind Crimes

However, what none of the three realize yet is that part of that package they stole is a fully translated and digital copy of the infamous necronomicon which isn't supposed to exist but moreau bio-technincal has it and is using it in their research.

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Zippy Zipperdale: Moderately Mad Scientist--The Fifth Experiment

Zippy grinned, "it's like a necronomicon of mad science. this contains some of the most hidden and secret formulas of science in history. there's stuff in here that we shouldn't really even be reading."

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The Seeker, Chapter 28

The necronomicon was just a dupe, a ploy to fool the less experienced. it was never meant to be a way to summon the old ones, just a way to entrap the unwary and uneducated. but this is the real thing!

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Minerva Mink untitled fanfic collab

"yes, it is the ultimate spell, the one she wants... the lich spell from the necronomicon." "i'm undead!!?" "no silly, just immune from any spell, everything from your dreaded gargoyle spell to soulrend spells.

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Sonic The Hedgehog: The Series - Part 2

"the necronomicon... al azif as it may be called... is not a book that exists in our world, so they cannot use it to their advantage. we should be thankful such a tome does not exist here.

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First Time in the Lense

"harold jackson's 'john dee: mathematics, necronomicon and the pursuit for the stellar truth'?" amber eyes were suddenly rounded on the feline, narrowing as if to pierce hir with their stare.

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'_ (abdul alhazred, necronomicon) irshad was not easily shaken. she'd been through enough that it took a lot to faze her by then. rakim had only seen her cry twice.

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