Rainy Day

**part i:** rainy day **part ii:** [house guest](%5c) **rainy day** **artist commentary:** this story contains sexual acts between male and female, thus it is written with the intent for viewership by those of ages 18 or older.

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Rainy Days

rainy days arent always supposed to be sad. --the end-- authors word: this is the first adult story i have written, and will be the first work i've published here at sofurry. i hope you enjoy it, and i welcome any and all feedback.

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A Rainy Afternoon

Samuel stood in front of his overstuffed locker, cramming books into an indigo backpack. The young arctic fox pinned his ears back in frustration. So much homework. If his bag got any heavier, he was going to have to start dragging it before it made...

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Rainy Date

"Well, aren't you two just the cutest? Here you go. Have a good day now!" A pair of young wolf cubs stepped out of the ice cream parlour into an overcast autumn afternoon, the heavy wind blowing around them, causing orange leaves to tumble down the...

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Rainy Night

I cursed as I knocked on the door of the inn for the fifth time. I was about to turn back and leave when the door finally opened, revealing an old, portly bear which I assumed was the innkeeper. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I couldn't hear anything with all...

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Rainy days

The rain had fallen for days on end, and today was no different. So, as Alex walked to school, he kept his hood up, which was difficult over his budding antlers. Being a reindeer wasn't always easy. His dark red fur matted along his nose and mouth, as...

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Beginning to a new idea, Bradley's car

Tell me what you think, what you'd like to see later on. I'm open to almost anything :) The air inside the cabin was cool, the A/C unit gently breathing the oxygen through to Brad's expressionless face. Black fur on his head felt cold,...

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Character Vignette -- Rainy Day Fund

. ------------------------------------------- # rainy day fund closed-in front porches were made for rainy spring days.

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Babysitting Bracken

Pooftail and rainy nodded. "of course. travel safe," said rainy. "and watch out for that loose pavement in front of number 56. caught me out yesterday." "thank you, but i know it's there."

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A High School Story--Chapter 1: The Start of the Day

As the sun filled my bedroom, warming my charcoal grey fur, my eyes flitted open taking in the sunlight, now illumination my room. I felt something pull across my chest, I looked down to see my little brother had crawled into bed last night, probably...

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Rainy Day Fun

"mabye we can have a bit of rainy day fun, eh katsu?" i answerd that question by slipping off what i had and throwing it onto the floor. "this is the best rainy day ever..." was the final thing i said.

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Rainy Day Fun

"mabye we can have a bit of rainy day fun, eh katsu?" i answerd that question by slipping off what i had and throwing it onto the floor. "this is the best rainy day ever..." was the final thing i said.