Joining the Team: Chapter 3: Training

Don't worry though vik will help, he's been through this.\> kyrio's trainer stepped back and after a few minutes the ledian that was his partner moved into view scraping the remnants of silk cocoon from his exoskeleton.

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A Beast Learns To Live - Chapter 3

He chewed and swallowed before finally saying, "vik-..." he caught himself again. he was becoming more aware of when to and not to say certain things around her. "i assume that's not your real name. so what is your real name?"

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Xebassian's Playroom, Part 1 of 4

For that matter was he even still within san loconnix town anymore since he could literally be anywhere within terra vik. the oldest and largest virtually interfaced kingdom in existence.

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Acting on Instinct [COM]

"what about vik?" "he's sound asleep, don't worry about him," malcolm stated as he carefully waddled past his son. "knock yourself out!"

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Heat of the Night

"you don't have to do anything for me, vik-" finally, the raptor dropped his seductive act and instead just chuckled. "ah, mahiri. you don't need to worry. i am being _far_ from selfless right now."

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Rain & Mist

"-viks. k-e-v..." before he could finish his sentence, the leader lashed out with a deadly storm of lightning and thunder that should have killed all three of them, except... it didn't.

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I still cannot figure out formatting for sofurry 2.0 thanks, vik, for mild editing. it was an old, red brick and mortar building on the edge of lawrence avenue and olivehurst road.

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Special Access - Chapter 6

"vik- i mean, the chief of staff, was pregnant just over a dozen years ago. how could they have a fully-grown agent in such a short time?" "they isolated and included the gene that causes progeria, rapid aging disease."

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Miles Low

Especially nagadra, vik, gk, aellynh, and all the rest who gave a damn during my low points. thank you. miles down the glow of the morning sun, and with an open window in a high rise, was a wonderful way to wake up.

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Dawn of Vengence - Ch 6 - Three Things That Cannot Be Hidden

"sure viks, anything." marcel slid the knife back into its sheath. hopefully vikki would not ask him to take out miss cc or anything drastic like that. "could you stand guard at the door while i have a word in private with silver?" "okay."

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Torvik's Journal: Part four

Tor,vik? what's wrong?" the bed side lamp came on showing the young green and black dragon sporting a full orange shaft. "torvik what are you doing?!!" still slowly stroking his aching shaft he tried to explain. "it won't go down.

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Rogue Sword - Ch 8: Mist is Found on All Mountains

"if they are the ones behind this than viks and dongo are in great danger. we have to get away and report this, but they are going to want to question me." she tucked the evidence into his pants pocket.

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