
I'm not huge on politics, but i know when something's a bad decision., have there been some bad decisions lately. let's be realistic: you can't dance around the less pleasant aspects of society forever.

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Alakazam – Otis The Noisy Nuisance

The real choice was: do you want a second chance, and prove it by showing you can change your mind and accept a bit of humility, or are you just going to go on being a stubborn jackass in the wrong body, continuing to make bad decision after bad decision?"

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 68: Home (Conclusion)

"you're have made bad decisions, bad decisions that will doom us all." he wheezed looking directly at me. i placed my ear next to his chest. "i think you punctured his lungs, both of them." "he left me no choice, he had a axe, a big one."

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Chapter 16

None of this was your fault, it was my bad judgement and bad decisions that got us to where we are now, i'm sorry..."

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Luna Chapter 13 - Meet the Parents

We started teaching the kids about sex and their genitals a long time ago, because we believe that without open communication and education you get bad decisions, sexual repression and tension.

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One by Midnight - Prologue

"you're lucky i stopped you from making a few bad decisions tonight dusk. you nearly got in a scrap with that 'yote over there earlier, and its safe to say you would've lost."

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Opponents of Dusk chapter 3; Shut Up

I don't want to be the man to make a bad decision but maybe we should start checking some buildings."said marco. rex stood there like a stone for a moment and then he shrugged."we are gonna have to die some way, might as well be from a fight."


A Gym Affair

He had her heartbeat going at the perfect tempo for bad decisions to be made, her eyes wandered back down his body before looking back up at his eyes. she could afford to make some bad decisions today. "that's very kind of you, mr.

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A broad smile began to creep across her face as her eyes sparked with ideas and bad decisions. the cheetah shrugged her shoulders. "well you know, just thought i'd try it. but i don't really want jus-" "don't worry evie.

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Dawn Bringer: Chapter 1 -Battle Scars-

He may have made some bad decisions, but what is love all about? forgiving! if you truly love him you will forgive him and accept that fact that he has moved cannot dwell in the past..." alex said in a stern voice.

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Darkest Side of the Night

The only way to end up there is to be dragged in by bad decisions or bum luck - or to follow the signs of failure and the scent of fear straight into hell.

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Enslaved by Feet

This is about a guy with an overwhelming foot fetish that gets him to make really bad decisions. enjoy, i hope. **enslaved by feet by draconicon** carl hated summer.

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