Sea'an: Oakhurst
rooms upstairs.
Chapter1:Today Is A New Day
I here from outside my bed room window..wait..i reconize that voice, its my friend perry. getting my bearings back together, i get up and walk back to my window, "it ok perry." i said as i look out the window, "what are you doing?
Cumming Over
Sprite smirked and replied, "then let's go to the bed room." sprite turned off the water and the two boy's headed towards sprite's bed room, he had a king size mattress that was excellent for yiffing on.
Part 15 Running
After a while the girls moved to the bed room where they had set up cushions and blankets on the floor, the four girls all curled up around the sleep claus.
Starts with I, Ends with You
"_why don't i show you my bed room rex?" _ zane got up and led rex to the bed room.
That Gay Goth Dog (part 7)
"i... i think that... i think you should leave" he said getting up quickly and ran to his room with is arms around his side. shortly after a heard the slam of his bed room door that made me flinch. i looked out the window wondering what just happend as i felt
A Night to remember
Even the bed room and bathroom were clean and in place. this brought a smile to not only kogie muzzle but tay's as well. moving into the bed room kogie sat all of the bags down before moving to his mate and pulling him into his arms.
Jeff and Mike
Mike growled and in a moment had picked up the fox and was carrying him to the bed room. he put the fox on his back down on the bed and began to strip him of his clothing while standing at the edge of the bed.
Last time
"lena why don't you show the girls down to the bed room, i'll be there in a minute." the young antelope smirked, watching as the older mare guided to two younger ones off.
A Dragon's Revenge
The stallion makes his way to his bed room. he feels embarrassed that the dragon hurt him so easily and mad for the same reason.
Twilight Eros Chapter 37
"it stands out well on him zenia, however i think it would look better if he took it off in the bed room." "hmm. i think i'll have to agree with you luna. scotty, would you be so kind as to go to the bed room for us?"
Twilight Eros Chapter 10
Both of the wolves watched as she skipped to the bed room. they could hear the package being unwrapped as spec had a seat on the opposite end of the couch from zenia. before long cindy returned from the bed room modeling her robe.