TNR chapter 7

"i \*hic\* like you dragon boy!" rain groaned as she kissed him while luwdely grabbing his crock. huma just moaned into the kiss and pressed invitingly against rain.

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Tales of Passion: How A Dragon Trains You Part 1

The dragon growled, his amethyst eyes flaring, "i think you need a proper education in the old ways of dragons....boy!"

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Magic Mirror

A small dragon boy dropped the stone in shock. the rampaging monster was now his size, smaller than even the average dragon among his people. he gaped down at her, and she suddenly stared at him, eyes wide.

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12 - The Meeting

Eliza caressed his face, slowly turning into a single-sexed female cat-dragoness "however, i'm free... am i enough for you, big and meaty dragon boy?" "oh yes, you are more than 'just enough'..." and we kissed deeply.

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In The Name Of Love.txt

Below the house walked a blue dragon male, his hair grown long and black, the jacket repaired from the several fights for survival in the city he is living in.

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Two Balls, Corner Pocket

I can't even believe this, dragon-boy... i mean... wow. you look cuter than i thought you would..."

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Your Dragoness Awaits

male although it's unconventional and not your standard date you follow her to deeper caves your dragoness awaits

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The Tale of the Dragon & Wolf

The little dragon boy laughed as the little wolf girl joined in. he opened his wings and flew into the forest followed by the little wolf girl never to be seen by human again.


Nall's Love and Ruby's Sorrow

The dragon boy started as he looked her in the face. "i know you're sad from losing hiro, but that is why i've taken you here to taben's peak. you can with me here."

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Camping Experience

I opened it and the huge dragon guy, stood in front of me, pointing his rather huge dick, right at me. "let's get a bit more dirty, shall we.?" he asked, stepped into the little toilet room and locked the door behind him, grinning heavily.

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dragon gate

boy or girl depending on your sex in human life.

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