Meet the Filtons (2021)

"what the flying fuck is this!?" came dan, who ran out the front door to see ronnie's van smashed up against his tree. "ronnie! you stupid, drunk fuck! what the flying fuck is this!?" "sorry, i didn't see the tree..."

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Despite knowing that spanking was more or less looked down on, he really didn't give a flying fuck about how others viewed his parenting style, given that his own father had spanked him and his brothers growing up.

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A little Something Different, Part 2

He still held my paw, and i saw that he didn't give a single flying fuck who saw us together. i squeezed his paw, my cheeks probably pink with my blushing. he introduced me to his friends, the ones i hadn't meet, while i sat in his lap.

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The Fox General: March on Vulpezzia

Luce had told me that they had voted against me on account of their senator not actually giving a flying fuck about getting all of dalmatia back from the wolves, so it was quite a surprise when i found out they were pledging loyalty.

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Deep Space: Chapter one - The U.N.E

"i don't give a flying fuck about what you think private! you are supposed to keep your mouth shut on the mission or i´ll stitch it up, understood?" "yes sir!" the soldier stammered as he panicked into attention and saluted.

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Life in the Apocalypse: Chapter 1

But why the flying fuck can't i call them!? i don't care what the paper says; i need to hear their voices!" i re-read the paper to myself, just to make sure i didn't miss anything. "i say try it anyway.

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Keeping Up With Fluid Demands

"but they've always been my team, and- "i don't really give a flying fuck what your logic is!" his boss would have none of the explanation.

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Koras fate.

You don't give a flying fuck about only agreed to dating me because if it worked it meant more money and your little life style being set in stone for the rest of your life! that isn't how someoen is supposed to live.

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He was a really talented punk unicorn who didn't give a flying fuck about fame, fortune, or big names. it was all about the art and he completely immersed himself in it. i was crushing on him big time.

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Shattered Glass Chapter 9: Faith

They also knew that i didn't give a flying fuck about them or their opinion and that if they died tomorrow the most that would come out of my mouth would be something sarcastic like "oh, that's really sad" &

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Chapter 28 - I Don't Do Well As The Butt Of Things.

Nerve endings in my body must have been firing on all points as i knew that i was totally aroused and didn't give a flying fuck about it. i pushed my body back against him and i knew he was the same.

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