Guardian of Time: Chapter II

With that thought, he looked at the small bed side table, and saw the golden pocket watch, or, as chronos called it, a chronodevice. he delicately picked it with his new hands, and looked at the time piece. he carefully opened the cover, to see inside.

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Curiosity Changed the Cat (Commission for Xilimyth)

The stallion was just tearing off the lid of one box with a golden crowbar, but just as the top popped off, the favourite weapon of many a video game character vanished, replaced with a fancy golden pocket watch that he shoved into a pocket, before digging

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Guardian of Time: Chapter I

But soon the light vanished, and tyler was now holding a golden pocket watch, with a design that he couldn't comprehend, with a lightning bolt, waves, fire, a sun, and a mountain being some of the most notable images now a adorning the back.

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Super! - Forcelight

"so what, no golden pocket watch dangling in front of my nose, no spinning pinwheel nonsense?" lux pressed on, seeing she was getting to the doctor. "no, none of that nonsense.

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Tony da Lion: ~The Trial~

These two young boys came walking into my shop holding a one of a kind golden pocket watch from the 18th century. they came in sayin' they were brothers. i didn't question it. a lot of people come in wanting discretion.

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Code Oblivion Rebellion: Chapter 1

"a watch, a golden pocket-watch...." he nodded. "alright, now follow me i'll help you..." he said when he put his notepad back in his pocket. "wait... you mean like this?" he asked holding out the very same watch. "yes!"

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Chapter 5: The Second King of Dragos

He looked incredibly nervous at this point as he grasped the golden pocket watch around his neck. he took a deep breath to calm and announced himself.

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Code Oblivion Rebellion: Chapter 3

He said as he took out a golden pocket watch... _my_ pocket-watch. but right before the man was about to hand it over everything suddenly froze! a voice from nowhere stated, starting me a bit.

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Code Oblivion: Rebellion (reboot): Chapter 2

With a sigh he took out a golden pocket-watch from his pocket. it was very special to him as it was the only thing he had from before his dad found him with no recollection of anything. it was beautifully crafted with an ornate design to it.

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A Zorua and the Golden Watch

It was a golden pocket-watch, attached to a smooth chain of similar substance. the chain was a good foot long, made up of very small rings, each fastened to another in a row.

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The Capture of Sherlock Hound

He pulled a small golden pocket watch out of his coat pocket and checked the time, "our contact should be here by now." "um, yes, they should..." watson nodded nervously, "you don't suppose... moriarty's gotten to him?" sherlock closed his eyes.

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