Christmas Wish

A few times one of the few non anthro's that deigned that live in the city walked down the walk and her tightly curled tail started to wag rapidly behind her. each time they passed by her and her mournful expression resumed.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 34

A small, non-anthromorphic ferret, to all eyes it would have seemed utterly normal were its body not wrapped in the same camouflaging material that made up enigma's suit.

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Earning His Paycheck

He didn't know why all anthros seemed to be able to sweat when he didn't know of any non anthros that could. at the moment it seemed to be entirely just to make his life miserable.

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Club Corpreal Intro

I was thinking of doing non-anthros as well as a few other species, that is, if i can start a prototype to begin with._ _i might not ever get to a prototype, hek, probably not even an animation or model. (or maybe that one model i have.)

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Saddles Half Off! A medley of equine comedy

To see non-anthromorphic animals amongst furs is a strange sight, indeed! i had actually seen cavies, rabbits, and a pony at another fair some time ago, but i guess they get whatever the farmers have to display for the kids.

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Romance For Dogs 2 - Instinct Driven

Maybe the non-anthros they kept on the farm could even help raise the pups. that reminded her.. "amber. that sounds like a good name?" hunter asked with no context, drawing a shrug and perplexed look from riley as he answered, "hmm?"

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Chapter 4 - Eurasia's Day Off, Trouble in Paradise!

I'll do it then, but you have to explain the differences from the anthro with you non-anthros." she just finished taking off my now saliva covered shirt and tossed it aside. she then went for my shorts and took them off with minimal effort.

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Opening Up

He knew the various species attending the university came in all shapes and sizes, and he'd even seen a few non-anthros on his way to the dorm, but that bulge practically looked fake. it had to have been at least the size of a basketball.

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The Trainer - Past - 00 - Wandering

non-anthros were never just never meant to give birth to anything bigger than their own young, yet the egg that twi would hatch out of had been more than twice as big as her mother's head. she was lucky to have gotten it out at all.

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Car Repair, Chapter 1

non-anthros, of course. "oh! yes, i... yes." she forced a wobbly smile, one that she had to work to maintain. the dog nodded a couple of times. "me too."

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