Silvercobra Chronices - Species Integration

But help never came, and my symbiotic relationship could only sustain us for so long. in the end...

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Full Service

It was a symbiotic relationship for the pair, and one that wasn't going to be ending soon... at least, al hoped that as the light beep of the heart monitor reached his ears.

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The Woodfather - Reproduction Reports

It smacks of an almost symbiotic relationship between the physical and the spectral without the two being too dependant on one another.

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Project Mitosis: Darwin Genesis

From there, the genes combined and formed a symbiotic relationship with the cell; creating the very first animal-human hybrid.

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Un-Extinct (A1, B1, C19)

It was a symbiotic relationship. although, you are correct, man bred them for traits, which lead to the modern dog breeds. however, with all due respect: wolves are more useful as a companion. it's a productive relationship."

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Tock's Tales - Intro & Glossary

Thus an odd sort of symbiotic relationship forms, with those reavers fiercely defending their charges from other rival bands, as the migrants are afforded no official recognition or protection by the eastern nations.

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Unwelcome Dinner Guests

He knew that they had a symbiotic relationship and was happy living with just that much information, but the mutual benefits didn't end at food and protection.

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3. Forging a Bond (Adult)

It is a true symbiotic relationship." symbiotic. the term conjures images from biology class--organisms reliant on one another, a balance of give and take. jake's gaze falls down his furry feminine body which he finds both unnerving.

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Serevokin Legacy

Kolseratil's memories suggest affinity for life, symbiotic relationship with native lifeforms and opposition to goals of rolkotarni. this vessel determines kolseratil as a superior custodian.

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She and field had a very symbiotic relationship. "mm ... well ... thanks, adelaide. anyway, i ... i do feel more manageable." "heh ... " "in fact, i feel good enough to bake a cake!" "that's the spirit!"

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