alpha shadow wolf part 1!

"Sire! Sire,wake up i know you just ate a few humans who tresspassed but, we need you to wake up now!" a tall guard wolf with a gigantic pualdron (a spear technicely)said as he shoke a tall shadow wolf who was deep in sleep, but it was as...

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Raising Above The Bar Chapter 2: Dash Returns, Angel Vanishes, I Take The Bar Examination, The Bar’s Team Gets Bigger, and I go on a short vacation.

Raising Above The Bar Chapter 2: Dash Returns, Angel Vanishes, I Take The Bar Examination, The Bar's Team Gets Bigger, and I go on a short vacation. Legalities: Alright most of you have probably read my stuff, but for those of you who haven't I have...

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Excerpt #2 from Raising Above The Bar Chapter 2

I sighed and said "I'll talk to mom about it. If nothing else it'll get you out of the house, but I thought you had a job at the skate shop." He blinked and said "I do, but it's only on Friday through Sunday. I was wondering if I could work at the bar...

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Raising Above The Bar Chapter 1: Jake's Playce Opens.

Legalities: All right first off this story is just something I needed to get into a lighter mood, Asterion and Pokemon will continue before the week is over. All right let's get to the copyrights all characters except those mentioned otherwise are...

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Excerpt From Chapter 2 of Raising AboveThe Bar

She blinked and said softly "I need a job, and this is the only place in town that was hiring. I also heard from a few people in town that you were a good man who stood up for anyone you thought needed help." I blinked slightly taken aback then sighed...

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Road Rovers: A New Start 5

here's the next chapter. i don't own the road rovers in any way Blitz Blitz sat in the living room watching tv and occasionally looking out the window. He let out a sigh bored out of his mind with nothing to do. His adoptive son Dylan is at school...

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Asterion Academy Character Sheet 1

Legalities: Story and Characters are all copyrighted to me unless otherwise stated throughout the series. Jake Arrows: Main character of the story. Age: 18-19 Sex: Male Sexuality: Bicurious, but prefers Females Attitude: Jake's sort of self...

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Road Rovers: A New Start 4

addin more to this chapter and then headin to the next one. also if anyone is wonderin why collen isnt appearing is because i cant think of any romantic relations with her but shell make some appearences during the story. Once more i do not own the...

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Interlude Chapter: Character info and the story so far.

First off this is not Chapter 6 as the title states. If you already know the story then this is just some filler info on characters. If you don't this is a summarization and filler info. My advice is reading the rest of the chapters BEFORE this one....

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Chapter 5:My Family Gets A Lot Bigger and A Lot Stranger

Legal stuff: all characters with the exceptions of Mac, Dasher, and Thowan are copyrighted to me. Mac is copyrighted to flamewarrior, Dasher is copyrighted to Dasher Cheetah, and Thowan is copyrighted to Thowan. Disclaimer: This story contains adult...

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Chapter 6: Genetech invades Gene High

Time for the Legal mumbo jumbo. First all characters with the exclusion of Agro, Dasher, Thowan, Mac, and Tibu are copyrighted to me. Tibu is copyrighted to Tibu, Dasher is copyrighted to Dasher Cheetah, Agro is copyrighted to Starvires, and Thowan is...

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Chapter 8: My Grandparents Visit and The Alpha Project is Explained

Legal Crap: The story and all the characters with the exception of Agro, MAc, Dasher, Thowan, and Tibu. This story contains adult content, and if you've been reading my stories then by now you know the drill. If not then you skipped all of my previous...

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