
Pop surfaced and rubbed his bulgy tummy with a paw happily, before trotting along. "silly bunny. of course you're mine. now have a good rest and maybe you won't be so cranky." he belched and giggled as his stomach started gurgling once more.

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Silver Pines, Unusual Times

He echoed her howl with a roar, his cock pulsing as he rammed into her again and again, his seed flowing into her, filling her until her lithe body became a little bulgy at the belly.

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The Stonehouse Mysteries 1.4 - The Malicious Masquerade

Each face was contained behind a strangely bulgy, fibrous mask that hung loosely around the muzzle and jowls of the wearer. they were pale as rancid milk and neatly concealed the eyes in deep, hollow-seeming sockets.

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New Ballroom Host (Vore/Hyper Story)

Hi, asof." came the voice of the large, lanky foxtaur, orange with a very plush pair of breasts and a huge, pink, fat cock attached to a truly massive, squirmy, bulgy set of balls!

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On the Edge of Emergence

They don't diverge like that, don't go all bulgy and angle-y, but just get more like they already were, all curvy and fluffy and cuddly..." lilla flashed her a grin. "hmm, really?

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Simba Meets James, Part 1

He felt a big, bulgy thing form underneath him. it was uncomfortable to have whatever it was rub the ground, so simba jolted up. "feel different?" james said. "um, not really?" replied simba.

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New Model

"hey there, bulgy. o-fucking-wo." "oh wolfie, lemme blow your ... whistle" "how about you lay that dadbod on me and gimme a little mouth-to-mouth, hmm?" "daddy, please let me worship your snail trail!"

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Just Sittin’ On It

I wasn't about to stop, anyway, and decided to add a bit of fun by lifting my paw to his bulgy pectoral muscle and finding his nipple, which was easy to locate as a rich, hot nub against my palm.

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Natiq and Salome - momentum part 1

Three emperors was enough to make even him a bit bulgy. the he set about licking as much of his own cum off as he could with washes of his thick pink tongue. only when he'd cleaned his face and burped again did he bother to answer.

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Locker Room Lust

I pushed back until i could feel his bulgy knot hit my ass. there was an instant stimulation on my prostate that almost made me cum right then and there. "mmmmmph, so tight!

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Mama's turn (F bear/F human UB)

Papa was still rubbing himself as mama sprawled out atop her newly bulgy abdomen, but baby had recovered enough for curiousity to rouse. he knew what happened to people that a bear swallowed, obviously, but...

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