Josiah's Find

Yeah this is my first yiff story iv ever written and yeah my grammer sucks so if you have anyidea on what i can do to fix this story go ahead and tell me. Josiah was out in a field one day just laying in the grass watching the clouds float by...

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Finding a Mate

finding a mate; entwined in power ce' ta'iil & levitas telum a true beauty, her lithe body sheathed in iridescent silver scales. her every step, solid and firm, yet graceful and awe striking.

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Finding Love

Bimbette is is lonely because everyone stays away from her since she's a skunk but she finds love in an equally lonely human child.

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Finding a Purpose

With any luck, his questions would be answered with the finding of the first guardian. but where to look, his only guess was finding a trainer that was known for finding the unusual.

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Finding Guawysvern

Check this link for more:** [](

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Finding Sanctuary

"well first we're going to find a safe home for you, then i'm going to get back to my quest" there was a fierce nature to the jacaklope's tone as she spoke, the reflection of the flames in front of her only adding to the fire in her eyes.

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Finding out...

#2 of gelding lovin's a couple of gelding at play... help a young stud find out that he's not all that...

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Finding Company

Yes, selian, i find the idea of adventuring through the tundra with you far superior to staying locked within the walls of such a dysfunctional hold." that settled it then in my eyes.

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Finding Myself

When I first allowed my eyes to gaze upon him, it was like I viewed into a mirror. I saw a dragon much like myself except for some minor differences. He was shorter than I was, his scales were a crimson colors, and he had a longer snout than...

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Findings of a Cheif

"ok, lets find out more about you and these other nightfurys." hiccup said as he sat down on the ground and leaned against toothless's side as he sat down as well.

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Finding Thyself

"go be finding yourself some cock to suck on at the downtown clubs. they'll let pretty boy like you in, no problem." i gulped, shaking my head. "i don't want that."

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