The Emporer's Rising: Prologue "A visit to the Ancients"

"and stop calling me mister samus, it's just jenthac." "sorry sir," apologized prinik, "but can we go inside? the books are getting heavy." "oh very well," sighed jenthac.

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Ultimate Furry Crossover - An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 4

Well, except for samus aran, of course, but only because it was impossible to tell what he was thinking through the visor (if he wasn't an android, naturally), and the werewolf jonathan talbain, who seemed to be eyeing the slender, beautiful little

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Through the Looking Glass: Chapter 12

"i actually heard from samus, captain falcon, and pit earlier today. they're all gonna try to make it to the funeral as quickly as they can." "samus and pit i know are going to be here," added snake.

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Tails of the Stars 1 - An Anomaly of Some Scale

I mean i did escape from them, they couldn't have found me...and it couldn't have been that samus woman..." "samus who?"

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Kazufox Interview #4

\*kazufox\*: my shurigun, the eyepiece, has the ability to lock-on so my attacks can never miss and it searches for the weak points, kinda like something samus' suit can do. i can see through walls and stuff with it also.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 84: A Grim Present And A Darker Future (Conclusion)

"our friend samus. his remains have disappeared. i put them in storage when we got back. i was planning a proper burial after i failed to pull him back from the other side." "ok?"

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A Smashing Bet

"two rounds as link to learn your moves, three rounds as samus to trash every single one of them." he was still sputtering as she stretched her arms overhead.

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Loving a Weasal

Several times samus cornered link only to have link turn the tide and send her flying off screen. after 2 and a half hours of non-stop playing buizel decided to stop.

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The Hunter Appreciates

A story born from my frustrations of the narrative failure that was Other M. Luckily for me, Federation Force looks like it will in no way relieve the intense issues I have because we still don't have a proper damned sequel to Fusion or Metroid Prime...

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