A Taste of Death

"m-my...my sou-soul...n-n..." she struggled to speak - her voice raspy and ethereal, cold breath producing steam with each word. "that's right, your soul is mine. you are just a thrall, a husk - a powerless tool for me to use."

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Wheaton's New Boots

"what is that sou..." wheaton's gaze went to his feet until he realized that he was wearing the boots still, "oh." he said simply.

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At the simplest level the dragon might find himself locked in his tank with a bright yellow sou' wester on his head, or a jaunty peaked cap like a sailor.

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Bonus : In Need

He wandered over in the general direction, eyes and ears alert for the girl he sou- "seee-arr-ooouuu!"

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sou minúsculo e, às vezes, me assusto com sombras à noite. tenho pesadelos, sinto minhas emoções prestes a explodir pelos meus pelos, só porque quero muito vê-lo.

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Sou Shattered Chap. 1: First Bite

Ok. So, this is a book I'm writing, and hope to get published. PLEASE commet--let me know that you think! And keep inmind that this isn't the final draft. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I...

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A grey dragon in a heavy yellow slicker, black rubber fishing boots, a yellow sou' wester and thick black industrial rubber gauntlets. was he protecting himself against the rain? only his own reign of terror.

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Chapter 61: Family Reunion.

"sorry for being rude, but who are you and how did you know sou... i mean minomon?" "you're mean. did you forget about us? we used to play together, but you are so close to minomon back then." she answered.

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Baixar a guarda não é fraqueza

. -- ele respondeu de braços cruzados -- se eu sou t-rex, tu é um husky! alguns passos a mais e os meninos encontraram com os membros da banda do samoieda.

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My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 32

"it's still early, sou. he wouldn't leave without saying goodbye." kyouji walked by casually behind them. "still, we wouldn't miss this!" soutarou said. "still, it'll be a shame if we don't." shin walked by along with juuichi. "definitely."

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My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 16

sou cried. "kounosuke-san with masashi." "you're okay as my team mate huh, masashi?" kouno said. "as long your camera is off from my face." masa-kun said. "my words are the same." said shin. "oh, by the way, shin-san, you're my teammate."

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