My Great Big Brother - A Band of Brothers

Rest in peace," kyle said as he quietly uttered last rites for his friend. kyle rejoined the tiger, who was bleeding heavily from his abdomen.

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Tarase - The Story of Ibsin ad-la Adda

As another priest recited his last rites, and the executioner asked if adraco had any last words, he looked up and saw balmond standing on a balcony, smirking devilishly, and of all things, wearing the crown of the king.


Feathers with Benefits, Part Three

"is it different in the shattered hills, or is the hunt still the last rite of passage?" "it's the same. were it not for the generosity of my first clan, i would stand before you as an outcast at best.

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In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 3 (MHO)

"m-maybe if we uh... give your body last rites or something, y-you can, y'know... move on?" the ghost let out a brief, humorless laugh. "sweet. but no. curse won't let it happen. ironically i was never very spiritual anyway. plenty of us weren't.

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Not that he wanted anyone trapped in a falling building, but ordinary people got last rites paid for, someone got their ass chewed on and everybody was happy. but not important people... their clans needed reasons, someone to pin the blame on.

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The Sands of Sorrow

One was performing the last rites over the death bodies of german soldiers, their unmoving forms wrapped in white sheets. the other one was doing the same, but for the dead british. they were lined up on their backs.

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A Dance with Space Pirates

The rest of the temple's priests flocked at his side, taking their elder kin towards the ceremonial altar for one last rite before the last breath left his aged throat. they cleansed him with water.

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Abandoned Artificial Asteroid Asylum

He has his craft charter a course for luna even as he does his best to clean up the body so that proper last rites can be performed.

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The Messiah Contingency: ACT III --- PREDATOR AND PREY (Commissioned by MGEddie)

"shall we take his last rites, eld--" icarus began to ask. "fuck! that!" eddie snarled back, casting his gaze to and from. orion choked on words, undoubtedly trying to say something nobel, like 'leave me behind', or his last words.

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My Sword, My Clan 35 - My Friends United

"no," ordered mariel, "do not waste your time on him let me perform his last rites." "_nooo!_" cried fayne.

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Chapter Seven - The Gathering

I also performed the last rites for the deceased after the undertaker made his report...what i saw was horrible indeed! it was the work of those who know how to prolong suffering, and not that of common criminals.

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The Love of Takahashi Yoishi: Part Four

I gave the last rites before switching to japanese and addressed the confused ghosts. "souls of the fallen warriors, the time for battle has passed. the way to the afterlife is before you and the guide is here to take you on. you no longer belong here."

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