Chapter 41 His Brother's Keeper
But the masses always attributed the slightest affection to romantic love. nothing could have been more absurd. bastian was dick's brother. especially after he lost edward . . . he had never felt so alone until he befriended bastian.
Chapter 55: Deep Love
And they love each other, but it is not a romantic love. further more, this is the last time they ever had sex. ever.
Fat Pokemon Are More Than Jolly
, lovely and heart warming.
Max and Abbadon Pt 3
This story, like the others in this series, contains permanent willing oral vore and m/m sex, a dom/sub relationship, and chastity play, as well as romantic love between predator and prey.
First, Again
Sex or not, it was clear that his hypnosis hadn't removed the memories of his romantic love for the other pokemon. it was just that now, he was far, _far_ more limited in the ways with which he could express it. rory beamed, and hugged grey in return.
Ana and Petr: A Story of Rebirth (as told by Mellow Yellow)
The news of his death had broken her heart and left her sour on the concept of romantic love. her parents death within a year never allowed her time to recover.
The Pika Brothers' Corruption
You see there's no stronger love than brotherly love... well except for romantic love. the idea of you two being separated by life apart disgusted me, so i decided to link you two in the most intimate way possible.
Academic Defenses
In all honesty to herself, cory thought this perhaps the most romantic love story she'd heard in a very long time. "no one has said it to you before?" "almost never before. and definitely not like this."
By Starlight: Departure (Part 1 of 4)
That it was love, but not like, romantic love. platonic. but he was special. and we had all these memories, and they were important too. and the notion of expressing those feelings spun out in a vortex of justifications i couldn't reach.
A Dragon In Need - Part 1
That'll have a little bit more of some romantic loving~ enjoy~ every day seemed like a repeating pattern.
Faith and Truth: Chapter Three
Gays fall into romantic love just like we do, and love is one of the purest things that we have left on this planet. god loves us and we love each other.
All the Right Places
The first experience of romantic love not just as a concept to be sought out and chased, but as a genuine, tangible emotion.