A Boyfriend is a Boyfriend
"from your perspective." "my what?" "from your point of view." "oh." he finished the second beer, crushed the can, and tossed it a few feet away. his paws grasped me and pulled me into his lap.
Living with a Giant- 1- First Impressions
He really seemed like a nice guy, being trapped under someone's ass for as long as i had with him kind of ruins your perspective of the person in general. "ahh come on," he whines like a little kid trying to get his parent to buy him a toy.
Academia - Part 6
I think i have a relatively good idea of what occurred, but if you don't mind, i'd like to hear it from your perspective."
Scorched Earth
It could be so easy to superimpose the values you'd come to from your perspective on contexts they didn't apply to at all. "it's perma-death that's the exception here, why make that exception?"
Seeker Origins: Prologue
The only thing i had left to learn, i was going to learn on april 25th, probably the best or worst day of my life, depending on your perspective...
Sometimes You Get Lucky
Being like this kind of changes your perspectives in ways that's hard to explain. well, a few years anyway.
3:19 Beyond Committed
"so far your perspective on this whole thing isn't exactly _blowing my skirt up."_ "maybe..." alias replied, slowly bringing his glass to his lips taking a small sip. "i just don't sugar coat what my life is. that's all.
Change of Perspective Page 24
your perspective on this subject is informative. we take time to process this information." "acknowledged," 1191891981 replies as the memory resumes.
The non mortal guild
I know you have a cure and you are so arrogant that you lost your perspective!"
Warrior's Blood, Chapter 33: Pleading His Case
"i guess the most important thing we need to know is... from your perspective, why did what happened happen?" he paused for a moment, going over the two scenes in his mind, then he thought of john's words.
Jak & Daxter: Safety - Chapter One
"i see how daxter appreciates your perspective, jak." unphased by mustelids climbing all over him, the young man cleared his throat. "just some ruins." "taking my little honey-bunny with you?"
Wind of Change: Chapter 10
"in your perspective, it has been 50 years, but from my perspective, it's barely a week since i died. you cannot tell me something that i have been living with for months and expect me to change.