#21 - The Emperor's Nude Clothes

That 'cloth' he's peddling is just air! this weasel is bilking you! haven't you heard the story, _the emperor's new clothes?"_ **romari:** \*whispers back\* "hold that thought, taxas. i'm in the middle of something here." **taxas:**"but--!"

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Innocent Turquoise - Clothes Shopping

The trio were in a large, expensive clothing store and turquoise had persuaded the clerk to allow them to use the spacious and luxurious fitting room reserved for vip customers.

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Colt of the Cloth (Ch.1)

I'll show you how to play with a father of the cloth, boy!" duncan nor sandria cared anymore about possible intrusion on their lovemaking.

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The Prince's New Clothes (WIP)

The cub quickly took the robes to the imperial fitting room, unaware of his private quarters for such an occasion, and began to change his clothes.

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The Wolf Warlock: 'Sheep's Clothing'

Now he starts to take his new change of clothes from out of the satchel lying on the ground and reclothes himself. there is still much to do before the night is done.

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Colt of the Cloth (Ch.2)

Usp=sharing colt of the cloth (episode 2: church of christian) "forgive me father, for i have sinned." a shadow cast itself upon the lattice window separating the two booths. there was also a sound like moving cloth, but christian ignored it.

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Kinktober Day 5: Clothed

She pressed against him again, pinning his stiffening shaft through their clothes. "i kinda like it. besides, you're not the only one enjoying this, see?" "i..."

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Hypnovember - Day 12: Clothing

Where the clothes make the man. "heh, guess i know where i'm getting my clothes from now on.

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Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Section

"ya don't need dress up to look for clothes." the werewolf scoffed gently, a small knowing smile crossing his muzzle. "ya look fine anyway." "really?

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Trapped in a Bunliz's Pants

The best way to survive is, quite simply, hope that her clothing fails before your body does. you're squeezed too tightly to move anywhere else on her body, so all you can do is pray.

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Why, clothes, shoes, and the like, of course! clothes and shoes for the more...exceptional and gifted members of society.

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koita becomes malleable rubber

warning: malleable rubber, transformation, rape retribution, printed on panty, null rubbing, living suit, weird --- Koita went to a metal box in the woods, accessable through a hidden path at the park. Out his purse came a special card. He stopped...

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