Hypno Skunked and Bear Bred

It's very positive, 3+++, so multiple fetuses are a possibility. i will have to wait until 3 months when they will be developed enough so that an ultrasound will show what and how many there are.

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Flying Mile High Chapter 5

"it must suck when you have a foetus growing inside of you". "yup!. but we can't say for ourselves since we're both guys. what's the oven setting for this one?". "200 degrees celsius for 10 minutes".

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Interlude: Committee Briefing

Our normal methods of cloning don't work - when we tried the fetus always ended up dying within a week or two, and we haven't been able to determine why.

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Pretty toy chap 5: The purity of carnage. The divinity of death. The arousal of the slaughter

As the horse moved suddenly the wolf pulled the trigger of the gun letting lose a loud crack as the bullet spit forth from the barrel like a dying fetus from the vagina of a crack whore.

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Awakening - Chapter One - A Story for Corvincorax

Hundreds of thousands of hours had gone into it, the genome splicing, the dna analysis, thousands of aborted fetuses grown in their labs at the inteli-pet corporation.

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Fallen Angels (part one)

Genesis' chimera project involved the alteration of developing fetuses of both humans, and furries (quite literally, test tube babies, born of nothing more intimate than machine assisted fusion of sperm and egg, supplied by a limitless bank) into

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Jeannette: Liberation From Hatred

All the disgusting smell of her own flesh made her barf violently a fowl mixture of chicken wings, fruit salad, grass, peanuts, mashed potatoes, her own aborted fetuses and dog cum. all of it mixed with the blood, and dave came up the stairs.

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JBIAF: Close Projects of the Sensual Kind

Eventually, the male will release a series of fluids called 'semen', which contains an interior male-exclusive substance called sperm, which will swim over to a females exclusive organ called the 'egg', develop it into a fetus, and eventually a baby, before

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[noyiff] Cerberus Journal - One

It was quite difficult to get the foetus out, her guts got in the way. she scratched my face, but it ceased soon. at some point she had bitten my hand and while she turned cold, she let go. at last, i had the bastard out. it was so ugly.

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Terry and the Bear Orgy

At 3 months an ultrasound shows 3 ursine fetuses in my womb. a male polar bear, a male panda bear, and a male spectacled bear. i'm shocked but know it could have been much worse. one or two more eggs could've dropped and i'd have a bear litter.

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