Electric Touch: Chapter 20 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

If ginger was correct, the attack should paralyze it, but it didn't. without losing its cold-headed sate of mind, ginger shugged it off, and tried to repeat the maneouver.

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Family Bonds: Chapter 5

She cried out again in pain, but was unable to do anything because of her paralyzed state.

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Journey to another world ch47

I am probably going to need to get a paralyze heal if i am going to continue to battle though.'

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It's Coming to Get You

Still paralyzed you watched the rainbow ceiling roll away, and felt the plastic curtain slide over your body as you moved down the line.

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The Beloved Pet Ch4

My friend and i sat still, and while i could not determine the emotions he was experiencing, i was paralyzed with a sense of sheer bewilderment.

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Interlude 9

Was she even truly paralyzed now? were her eyes forced shut? or was she... willingly imposing these conditions on herself. it became a difficult question to answer as the laughter ended and the nothingness became something softer.

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Chapter 5 - Taking Things up a Notch

"it's a small reac6tion some people have, it paralyzes them." he whined. "you mean that you just preformed a test... a test that you claimed to be safe on our only chance to stop joey and now you've paralyzed them!" blake shouted.

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Adventures of Ernie Ascodel (part 1)

Ernie was paralyzed, he didn't know what to do.... to be continued

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Middle School Years: Part 2

But instead i just felt the cool glass on my cheek, unmoving, unthinking, paralyzed. eventually my friend would let go of me and we would continue onto our separate ways, just like always.

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Placing the leash of the devil in the hands of a timid lamb

The diminutive woman struggled to her feet, struggling less because of the few claw marks on her legs and breasts so much as from resisting the paralyzing fear of her charge.

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The Mile High Club

It wasn't paralyzed. therefore his train of thought derailed before it could leave the station.  she sucked it in and continued to work down his pants at the same time. he might have helped her if he weren't presently so completely helpless.

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Chapter 29: Finding Some Potentials - Part 2

Al saw that zero's body trembled real hard as if he was paralyzed. al looked at the fragment inside the body and it covered his whole body. 'the glitch fragment enveloped him.' al said it in thoughts.

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