Farmer's Boy

The donkey's own stirred without his knowledge, not being yet sexual or knowing his thick adolescent appendage's purpose.

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What A Way To Wake Up.

"he is the dragon of beauty, adolescence and love. he gave us our hearts, gave us emotions so that we may forever be grateful to our mates." ferous placed his clawed paw over his chest.

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Will you smile for me?

A shake of the head, and the snow-haired adolescent's passive features returned to an innate interest at what her "familiar" had to say._ _"oh... i dunno. i think it's a smile. whatever though!"

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My Three Jewels: The Finding

In adolescence he found himself incommunicado, only making actions he deemed necessary.

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Taku and Aleu's great love

Aleu is a female adolescent wolfdog, with her sandy gray fur, with a lighter underbelly. her eyes in blue, her lighter socks in half up to her legs, her ears in brown.

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Part I – The Loss

After a few light, semi-intentional strokes, grylor's adolescent limbs shook, and he silently squealed out his orgasm.

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The Lion King 2 1/2: Chapter 29 - An Unexpected Pleasure

Tungora was accompanied by two adolescent lionesses and one of his sons, a skinny sort of fellow who was still growing into his mane; young as well, but not quite as young as the two lionesses.

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Therian's - A Case Study - Part one - Odocoileus virginianus (Whitetail Deer)

From adolescence, the therian can change at will, from feral, to anthropomorphic to human form - yet this isn't without extreme pain and suffering, so not something they lightly choose to do.

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It's covered in some sort of slick, bitter tasting substance but fearing for his ass the adolescent presses on. he tries to ignore the taste and the rubbery feel of it as he quickly works his lips down along the shaft.

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Teaser - Manticores, Snakes, and Survival

The pair of snakes were huge compared to the family of manticores, their heads almost half the size of the adolescents.

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The party after the contest, or how to lose your virginity in five hours

Julie spoke on the megaphone begging to the adolescents not to go, that a final activity was going to start and that anyone who wished to participate could do so.

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