Adopted by Lizardmen

While most of my anatomy had rough analogues in you standard large lizard, pointed snout, forked tongue, and long tail. the claws on my four toed feet, however, looked as though they had been taken straight from an extinct raptor.

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Chapter 6: Classes Begin

He stood from his larger, black mesh office chair at the front end of the rectangle to close the door as the roman-numeral analogue clock on the opposite wall ticked to 9:00.

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Risky Temptations

analogue. analogue. little hand near 3, big hand near 10. alright, it was 2:50. i had to get ready!.. did i even have tennis equipment? racquets? wait, i still had to eat. can't go on an empty stomach.

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Cherry Pop Party Part 2 of 2

It's a femme's analogue to the prostate that you had stimulated before.

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The Lecture

I... want to work for feather," he paused, looking around the room before noticing the analogue clock on the wall behind avory, "that could be a computer." "the clock? indeed, it already is a computer; a mechanical one though.

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Velius - The Day of Infamy

In their place was a static-heavy transmission of analogue silence. "_greetings, people of earth,_" a reptilian voice purred, arrogant superiority dripping from every syllable. "_this is velius. your world is now mine.

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Café Plaisir: Rain Flower Gets the Chair

The metaphorical gears and components of rain flowers brain might have in simile been compared to the squeaking of loose plastic cogs accompanied by the screech of a tuning analogue radio.

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A Routine Day (Almost)

An old analogue clock was ticking at the wall. the guards ordered wade to sit down on one of the benches. wade sat down while roy and larry took a seat next to him. they were waiting for a few minutes until it was just a few seconds until nine o'clock.

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Fraternity Woes

To his left, on a nightstand with a small analogue alarm clock and an old style green desk lamp, sat a crisp blue towel, evidently left for him to use.

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Light Bane: Chapter 31

He started thinking whether he should access the 'archiver', the computer database analogue of that world. it would take a little more time, though, considering how archivers had a very complicated user interface akin to command-based operating system.

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Placating the skipper

If you can think of a human vagina as the analogue of a suction pump, the skipper's was like one of those conveyor belts that transports the goods by shaking and rattling.

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