pound tails

He yelps and gasped as he felt a hot, furry body press down against his shoulders and back, pinning him against the cold cement floor.

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Unreleased Files: Ring King - Deleted Scene

Once his back hit the cement wall cranston wrapped his arms around the black wolf's waist and pulled him close into another big kiss.

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Alternative Lessons: Chapter Five

The room was darker now, the light streaming through the small barred window given only by the moon now, a pale shaft hitting the cement floor.

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The Purple Crown: Part 2

Venturing a few steps onto the textured cement, eric's head jerks to the left when he spots a lion reclining in a lounge chair. the large cat is older, his thick mane streaked sparingly with gray.

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Lykos 2-13 - The Road to Texas

Artyom wondered if that had been what they needed to decompress from the stress or to cement their bond to one another. fletcher didn't wonder about anything.

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Hard Times in the Business World: A Sanmer Story

The olinguito's chest heaved as he breathed deeply, claws scratching at the cement floor.

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The Gargoyle's Bride

That she'd let someone pour cement in? her stomach was swollen too, and hard to the touch, but at least she'd cleared her throat and mouth while... while...

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Mr Wolf Orders a Pizza

The pizza delivery fox licked his lips and climbed down to his knees, his tail thumping the cement as he wrapped one paw around it and gave it a squeeze. he didn't hesitate, taking the warm knob into his mouth and suckling gently.

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Home Sweet Home

Marcus retrieved his duffel bag from the back seat, and watched as the suv drove off, leaving him at the spot where the driveway's cement touched the cul de sac's pavement.

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Savannah Blues part 12

Wrapping an arm under isaac's he gave him a large tug, helping him down off the cement wall that led to the park and the hyena landed a bit heavily glad to have the extra paws for the assist.

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