Take A Chance On Me: Chapter 6

Chance was shocked, did he see what cliff had done? chance went after jake before being held at the arms by cliffs hands, he felt two stings on them like a mosquito bit him. cliff leaned in and whispered.

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Koda, Caught Between Two Rams

cliff asked. koda couldn't collect himself enough to respond and cliff took that as a "yes." he stepped aside and roc was now given the chance to do the same. roc got right to business.

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Doggy Dong Fever: A Case Study in Canitis.

"this stuff-" cliff snorted again, his voice husky in his chest. the scent had him enthralled. so much so that he seemed entirely unphased that he was hard as steel right in front of his little brother. "damn, dude!" "yeah, cliff.

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Coastal Consummation

So i stayed along the coast, gliding southbound beyond the rocky cliffs and crashing waves where land met ocean but there were no beaches. honestly, i wasn't a huge fan of beaches.

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Fire on the Beaches

They flew well passed the cliff tops, sailing high into the air. around one hundred feet, the birds angled back down, and nose-dived back to the cliffs, their wings pressed to their bodies.

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The Long, Cold Dark, Chapter IV: Blacking Out the Friction

"sorry 'bout that," cliff set the vessel down on a nearby rooftop before offloading the passengers in his other palm. "boats are supposed to be in _water_," i pointed out as cliff plucked me and gabe off his shoulder. "whatever," cliff shrugged.

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Independent: Episode Cedar

Takoshi and cliff saw to ryker. "i didn't know you could 'bequeath' an ip to someone," cliff admitted. "it's rare," kanoth answered, nodding grimly.

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Fruity Friendship

It grows on vines near the top of cliffs, and is the traditional prize of the equinox festival's cliff climb," atlas replied. caden nodded again. "that's correct.

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A Streaking Pledge (Anonymous Commission)

cliff said, helping kon to his feet. "thanks, you know, i didn't expect you to be so nice," kon sheepishly replied as cliff lead him to the bathroom. "well if i ain't nice, how am i gonna entice you to come back?" cliff said with a chuckle.

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