01: In Den Beginne

Enkel de andere lupinal herkende ik, dat was namelijk mijn zus, elayca. wat? ja ik ben inderdaad de andere lupinal. mijn naam is ragnar, ragnar nosikol, lunar warrior in dienst van lykaion in de naam van luna. maar, terug naar het verhaal.


Water Weight

He reached out and ran his hands over the lupine's growing belly. he squeezed it in his palms, feeling it yield like a water balloon, making richard whine further.

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Calling Cards Chapter 10: Alternative Treatment

From around the lupine's waist, the coon shivered and whispered to no one but himself.

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Added Cream

While inside, the manhood got a free cleaning service from the pre-cum it released by letting the lupine's tongue massage the tip and the shaft.

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Rangertale, Chapter 1: Embark.

Bears are ursans, dogs and wolves are lupines, felines are cats big and small, et cetera. please tell me if a term is confusing- and maybe even help me out by suggesting a better term. thanks!

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The Truth about submission

The heavy balls in the dog's pouch knocked into the lupine's own making the wolf yelp and groan.

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Godly Tryst...

The fat knot that the wolf surged inside of the jackal pulled out from the new home turning the lupine's bitch rectum into putty almost.

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Love and Lycanthropy - Chapter 18

How do lupines feel about that?"he raised one eyebrow and asked, "why would that matter?"i shrugged and said, "it shouldn't matter, really.  it does to humans, though.  i was just curious.""like i said, lupines live more by instinct.  

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Breeder's Den

His free hand guided the lupine's hips up and down as he helped his mate move along his shaft.

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Personal Affairs Part 2

Once his tongue was inside the lupine's mouth, the younger male began his rapid stroking again. muffled by the rabbit's lips, sam's complaints went unheard. every muscle in the lupine's body went tense, almost as rigid as his throbbing cock.

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