The Girl in the Crystal Blue Water

She pulled me in like a maelstrom and held me with a grip stronger than the pull of an undertow.

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With the sea you could be pulled out by an undertow, attacked by predators, and it's too easy to lose your sense of direction because there's no markers to tell where you are.

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Wicked Game

Now i'm going deep in the great undertow. now i'm a swallowed stone. as a child i was eaten by time and i have been struggling through its intestines like a flatworm every day since i woke up in the hospital.

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Even the Moon of a Different Sky...

He could feel the powerful pull of his own wolf, tugging on his psyche, threatening to take him away with the undertow. if eli continued like this, he would lose himself the way gilles had.

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Red Rocket Soda

It had been like an undertow, something broiling beneath the surface. at the back of his mind jake wondered if that was why he had been so hostile with his brother. had he been defending the men he felt... connected to?

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Marine Adventure - Extended

He still stared up expectantly - until he felt the undertow beneath the ship. panicked, he'd forgotten that part of the training, and he felt himself pulled under...his head smacked against the ship, and everything went black.

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Saving the ponies Chapter 5: A deeper link

Her voice was warm, but rainbow could still feel the undertow of dislike that was omnipresent when most ponies spoke to her. "i need to see a doctor about some pains i've been having." rainbow replied.

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Overcasting Shorts 3 - Calm Surface, Rapid Undercurrent

You're on a sea of stillness with a vicious undertow and you need something to anchor you to the shore, as well as someone to steer you along when pulled free" "i can't say i've been compared to a boat before....certainly fucking feel like i'm as big as one

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New Start, New Life, New Love - Request for FoxStarx31

If with a predatory undertow. it was that undertow that only grew, samantha stepping forward almost forcing the tigress to retreat before hir.

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[QC-38] Between a Tree And a Soft Place

Had he slipped on those, there was nothing he could do to keep himself from being sucked under and pinned by the undertow. rick possessed gills, but that wasn't his primary source of oxygen and he would eventually die if left underwater too long.

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