Her quest for revenge

Jennifer got into the older ford mustang. she counted the cash that tom gave her, three thousand dollars. in addition the five hundred she got from the bar. jennifer chuckled to herself. "being an eighteen-year-old racoon girl is not bad.

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Monday dodgeball

It was a red 1968 ford mustang fastback with two white stripes that stretched along it's length. norah didn't particularly care about cars but this was the car. she slowly walked towards it "is this one of those fan-girl moments?

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Scarlet Necklace - Part I - Time to Begin

It was a ford mustang ii, that was evident, but the body styling was a little different, smoother than the normal mustang. it had a white vinyl roof, another unusual feature. in contrast, the body of the car was bright red.

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One Day at the Gym

Meanwhile, stapleton went down to the parking garage where his pristine 1960's ford mustang convertible awaited him. ordinarily the car would invite thieves, but that was what the club was for.

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Eternal Universe - Chapter One

On my 30thbirthday, my parents had surprised me with a 2003 ford mustang, completely modernized with a fuel-efficient engine, complete with electric backup.

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Lyra 2

Next to him was parked a shiny black ford mustang, a car he had last seen driving away from the spot where he and lyra had first met. the sports car belonged to his housemate and best friend, jared liska.

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03 - Rachel and Clair - Married

Rachel smirked and said, "you have a 2079 ford mustang type 2 convertible, that was one of the first models of convertibles i looked at mostly because the suspension and the size.

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Perfect Match

She walks over to a classic black ford mustang convertible with the top down and he gasps "this is your car?" she looks at him and giggles "of course, it's my color!"

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Fur-Tech Industries

ford mustang is © to the ford company.( i know its a no brainer but i still have to put it there for legal reasons) as always any likeness to any one living or dead, real or unreal is strictly coincidental.

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Science Fiction is Intense (Illustrated)

He gestured towards the street where he'd parked his car, a renovated 1964 ford mustang. sleek and black, the card had a single, dark red stripe low between the wheels, but otherwise mimicked midnight with its single shade.

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For Love and Football

He then told seth to meet them at home as he walked over to his car, where he was surprised to see casey standing by the passenger door of his '94 ford mustang, a present from an uncle that lived in the charleston area.

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Chapter 1: The Fallen Angel Project Aka The Angel of Chaos.

Sadly i felt like he was keeping something from me so i grabbed the keys to his old ford mustang and walked into the garage then started driving it toward his lab.

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