Digimon Tamers - Private Place

Shifting position, renamon placed herself between rika's legs, lying down to stare up the girl's body. "d-don't..." rika moaned. her body was visibly shaking now.

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[RQ] Summer Camp

Do you think i-i could go lie down in the cabin for a bit?" i hope he says yes. i really hope he tells me i can.

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August 8: Sleepover

Taking the album out of my bag, i went and lied down on the right side of the bed. "fine, you win." "hey, what's that?" he asked, lying down on the bed next to me. i opened the album. "just an old photo album i found.


The Warrior's Dove Ch: 7

Getting up once more, i decided to lie down next to her. "now what are you doing?" it was starting to sound repetitive to me, and i knew that it wasn't a good thing. "how did you meet fylakas anyways?"

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Poke-Digi Pleasure Part 3

Asked takato as he lied down on his bed on his back. ''yep." said guilmon happily. "hey, if you guys don't mind were going to do the same thing but with each other okay?" said lucario. ''go for it." said takato.

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Chapter 15: Like Father, Like Son

"lie down." she shakes her head. "i said lie down. you'll do it, now." she shook her head again and gave a mew of defiance. "then i'll make you." he says, springing forward and knocking her to the ground, lying beneath him.

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Wormhole 3: Lucky Skunkette

"please remove your underwear and lie down on this bed. you can insert your tail into the hole."           i did not feel shy anymore because this was not the first time i removed my underwear in front of a stranger.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 78: Come With Me Now (Embracing Demons Part III)

She had been lying down staring at the ceiling arms folded behind her head. "i know that look." i said lying down on her left. "that bad huh?" shakara said lying down on her right. "we received a royal ass reaming.

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Nighttime Activities

"karthus..." he exhaled softly, closing his eyes as he leaned back to lie down.

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Nightmares and Newcomers

Trixey walked around and lied down next to luna's head, giving her a small lick on the head. "don't worry, luna; we'll keep you safe for the night."

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My Lewd Dragoness

She went with me and when i cuddled myself into those wrappings and lied down, she came forward to give me a wet goodnight kiss. her tail is wiggling in excitement.

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