Thank You All For Coming!

Before the groaning could start at the terrible pun, at least, to those who heard it, leon opened his muzzle wide and tilted his head back, gulping most of the half pint in one shot and coating his throat in a wide array of seeds from all different animals

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Gundam Rose, [WIP]

Peach seemed to just laugh even harder at the groans that her beyond terrible pun received, both from rose, and some of the other inmates unlucky enough to have heard the context.

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Chapter V: Bull by the Balls

There were multiple messages and missed calls from mary, probably all terrible puns about how he and lance had traumatised little kids with their ear-shattering cries of ecstasy. he immediately dialled ashton's number.

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Reaper Angelsea Campaign: Episode 4

Now i'm spurting out terrible puns._ canis grimaced and gestured that they drink. jacob drained his own mug. canis had finished his by the time jacob had set down his. the sergeant flagged a waiter for another.

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"The Freshman 800" Part 2: A Cheat

(that was a terrible pun.) "what about the kids?" robbie pointed upstairs where cassie and jamie are sitting in bed.

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The Treasure Trove

She giggled, tapping her red cap down at her own terrible pun while crossing the street. her blue eyes scanned her surroundings, impressed that the city had so many people walking outside despite the unbearable heat.

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A Kitten's Trip to the Stockade

._" aiki giggled at the terrible pun and busied himself by cleaning off with a handkerchief. kiessu meanwhile looked at the spots forming on his dress and worried that they'd stain. "aiki, i seem to have soiled this dress. i'm sorry."

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Jockstraps: Getting Gauymore

He moaned rolled his neck away from the bull partially because he wanted to get away from that terrible pun but also because he wanted colton to lick his neck more.

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Tales from the Foxhole: Chapter 5

"what can i say, you arouse the buck out of me, adam," toby laughed, grinning at his terrible pun. "okay, that was bad, i admit, but i couldn't resist it!"

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Matchmaker: Prelude

She sounded like she was doing that exaggerated smile of hers, maddie decided, the one she usually puts on after delivering a double entendre or terrible pun that takes a moment to work out, while she's waiting for the groan.

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Twin Souls

For a moment, boris didn't look like he got the joke, but then he broke out into delighted, relaxed laughter, shaking his head at her terrible pun.

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Live in Luxury or Luxurious Fur!

But did they really have to deal with the terrible puns? "with that, let's turn things back to riley! for $1000, can you tell me which two countries share the longest international border?"

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