Hypnovember Day 17 - Frozen

There was light ahead of him. torch-light. it illuminated a huge chamber just ahead of him, like an amphitheatre. figures cast shadows all through the chamber, angled towards a stage and an altar at the back.

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Chapter 8 - Thyme After Time - part 21

Mare island was a little more than two hours ahead. every pony seemed to be enjoying the voyage, except for fluttershy who diligently avoided looking over the side of the gondola.

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Invane: Pack Gathering

Gaining an inch or two ahead of me as my head was raised towards the horizon and stared. an arch was ahead of us. made of emerald stone that illuminates the surrounding walls and grounds around us.

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Champion of the Beast Lands 2

Around tree trunks, over shrubs, and trampling over grasses, the bear and squirrel continued to run as they heard voices ahead.

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Nuclear War

The ground shuddered as a few of our drones flew over us, getting ready to bomb the next target, which lay ten miles ahead of us.

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WOLVES MIST - Chapter 5(.2)

It was then that he saw something ahead as if a figure had dashed across the road. he hissed at grev and made a quick sign to indicate he'd seen something.

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They went ahead to find a nice clear opening. kumamon asked, "why did you come out here?" lena said, "someone like coronamon who joined us not too long ago. he's not ready for what's ahead.

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Through A Glass Darkly - 4

--there was a glimmer of starlight ahead, and the trio emerged from the forest to find themselves halfway up a mountain pass with nothing growing ahead but stunted shrubs and dry grass.

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Victory Road

Cassidy stood at the top of the steps in the grass while gentle breezes rushed past, eyeing the huge cave ahead. she saw its rocky walls flickering, lighted by what seemed to be fire.

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Sabhira's Daughter #26

Udaran called ahead to the big argonian. without answering her, ubergard suddenly stopped with a hand raised back in warning. the other three crouched instinctively as they watched the warrior scrutinze the landscape ahead. | [!

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Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 33

Just up ahead, in the shadow of two great boulders overgrown with moss: a groove in the rising earth, as if someone had scooped out the side with a giant spoon.

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