Night's Children Chapter 4 Princess of the Night

The white beam pulsed where luna laid and nightshadow felt a massive increase of magic. she couldn't even see luna in there just a beam of white. after a few minutes though a figure stood in the beam.

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Chapter X: Meltdown, Part Two

As the beam approached he charged up a blue ice sphere of energy. as the beam got closer, his energy sphere got larger. with in milliseconds of the beam hitting him he fired his hands forward to chest level.

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PMD - EOM - Chapter 26

Mystic shouted, charging towards him, dodging another hyper beam in her direction, and jumped into the air. she landed on his head, slamming his jaw shut around the hyper beam, and breathed a flamethrower right into his eyes.

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Light Bane: Chapter 41

The light wyvern flew away as azureath gave chase while occasionally avoiding light beams the light wyvern threw at her.

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The Misadventrues of Bandit: It Gives You Wings

Bandit climbed as fast as he could up the shaky beams. his progress was smooth, and he figured he would reach the top in no time. however, his grip slipped as the beams began to shake violently. he stopped moving and looked down.

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JUXTAPOSITION Chapter 5 - Transport Vehicles

Bolt jumped quickly from beam to beam. behind him, benji was running as fast as he could, occasionally tripping and losing speed. he could hear the chugging getting closer and closer.

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DA in Pokemon: Bond of Brotherhood Part I: Road to Victory

He opened his eyes and drew in breath before spewing a beam of ice directly at mightyena. (_ice beam)_ mightyena gasped as his lower part was encased in ice. "what!?" da growled "this doesn't look good..."

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Starlight Part 11

Magnum charges his beam and fires, the fox manages to dodge the beam but the explosion sends her flying forward with her sword clattering away from her.

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Halloween 2013: Part 1

At that point large nozzles hanging above each balance beam let out a thick stream of sticky gunk! a riotous multi coloured rain of goop that slickened the beams and poured over the edge into the pool below.

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Sneak Peek: Operation: Sunbeam - Part 1

Red light roiled out of the fox's eyes, wide fans of beams raging against the machine.

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Kyrumarie's Origin

It then appeared to have heard something as it fired a hugely destructive hyper beam into the forest. no more than a few seconds later the riolu heard a massive explosion, undoubtably from that hyper beam the tyranitar just used.

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