2 down 400 billion to go

He just hoped they weren't exaggerating. the light of millions of stars flooded, and warped around the cockpit of the ship.

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Family Journal Chapter 3

Jade crossed the sandpit with exaggerated wobblyness and caution. chessy noded, treading carefully. justin sniffed at the sand, before he started to dig. suddenly jade slipped landing on the shiny object, ow!

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Theatrics Under Dinner (Otherwise Untitled)

~ as he was scooped up into the gryphon's arms, the dragon's posture shifted to that of a dainty maiden being toted away from railroad tracks, an exaggerated swoon up towards the gryphon's beak.

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A Productive Day's Work

Loki opened her muzzle to reply, to tell jasiri that she needed him so badly he didn't have to over-exaggerate his prowess.

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A Long Gamble (snuff, watersports)

The slim little mouse showing off her bulged leotard as she pulled an exaggerated revolver trigger. the display above showed a spinning revolver, as a cheesy canned sound effect played an exaggerated spin of a metal cylinder before clack!

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Memento Mori -- Chapter 8

"well, considering donovan banned you from transforming, the rumours are kind of exaggerated." "your not allowed to use your abilities?" leon asked with a raised eyebrow.

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The Ball Buster

Taking a heavy sigh of breath, his ripped pecs raising and falling, exaggerating his toned tauren build as he crossed his arms, looking the wolf over. "alright... now that that's done with...

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A simple story I ( 12 /22 )

« if you wonder how i knew, knows than my alabaster body opens many doors and gives me access to good informations. » the lion knew that mark was exaggerating. it was one of his personality traits.

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Finding a New Self, Chapter 1: Reborn

That was a substantial exaggeration. the trade-in had put only around two hundred on the account, not a thousand. "well. i know who's inside. i guess that helps."

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Christmas With my Ferret - (Part 3)

She pressed her lips to his cheek hard as you would expect an aunt to do when she was over exaggerating how much she had missed one of her favorite nephews just to embarrass him.

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Worst Case Scenario

"d-don't you think that's a little bit of an exaggeration?" he asked, before patting the ground next to him.

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