A Worthy Stud

They were horses and not even of a breed that one could be proud of. they were as common as ponies and not half so adorable. duncan's large black muzzle bumped against her shoulder as she pulled the gate open and led him through it.

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Special Anniversary Story #2 Come to Dust - Origins

"yeah, yeah, and if wishes were horses and such and such." i waved a hand dismissively and went down the backstairs that led right into our kitchen.

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hung otter

He walked along the park as some extras walked past he then sat at a bench were horse was he too was waiting for a certain girl he was in jeans and a t-shirt hung otter the same but he had on jeans short as the two waited for the mare to show up they chatted

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Companions Ch. 39

The stallions took little effort convincing that this was a good idea; after all, they were stallions. mares were always less cooperative.

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Herd Mentality

were horse orgies part of their culture? was it disrespectful to the newly risen moon? was this a defiling of nature or the truest way to worship?

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Along with the Snow

There were young mares coming up to him to sign petitions to heighten the quality of life around the dorms, and there were stallions coming up to him to join their frats.

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They were horse legs. feral horse legs. thomas lost his balance and fell forward as his natural legs started to change, his spine was being stretched out behind him as a new barrel like body started to grow from behind him.

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Out After Curfew (QCP: BG-Eps03)

There were horses, bulls, and goats all getting the same treatment as he was getting. one young horse next to him reached over and put a bridle bit into gerard's mouth to stop his hollering. then he said, "it caught you too, looks like.

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A thousand years ago, their homes had been mud and stone, and their mounts were horses or camels. now, they had buildings of stone and steel, and little metal contraptions called "cars," which luo found fascinating.

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The Black Wolf (M/M) (BDSM) (Furry Fans?!)

Some guy and his friend were horsing around one night with a video camera, when they caught a group of thugs attempting to mug two women walking to their car.

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Most Esteemed Guest

There were horses next to her on her right, then going counter clockwise a series of enclosures within the woods, some more out back behind the ranch home with what looked like felines and ulokar, then a pair of aeries for dragons and gryphons.

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