A special kind of gift

Some would call it a rather unclean smell, something most would cover up with exotic perfumes... the platinum 'ness couldn't get enough of it.

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Break Room

The platinum lion had some sense of modesty and wore nothing but a bright blue speedo that clung to his broad hips.

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Warmth in the Arctic: Chapter 7 (Patreon Platinum)

#7 of warmth in the arctic (patreon platinum) disclaimer!!! this is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my patreon.

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Syngeneia Kathairein part 16

As you wake up, another platinum dragon lies next to you. you flinch, you do not know this platinum dragon yet. she has messier rainbow fur and presents herself as the youngest, despite being the same multi millennial age as her sisters.

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Dedication of the Tower

One claw nimbly located a loop of enchanted platinum through the flesh, and dakkon hissed his pleasure to the two new figures.

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matts story

, matthew fox will also recieve a platinum spear for unstoppable courage and leadership in the harshest of times, rook bunwolf will be given the golden magnum uniform, and a platinum spear. for undyieng loyalty to his comrades, panzer husky will also recieve

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One Night in Bangkok

His platinum chain scraped against phailin's upper chest as his hard belly pushed against her. she reached down and cupped his bottom, pulling him more forcefully inside.

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Bottoms club!

Even if there was someone listening in on their platinum room rendezvous, they would know, who was on top of whom.

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Venom, Episode 2

The whole thing was a pretty nasty conflict, but platinum lake now houses a virus that alters people into 'living works of art,' at least according to the fleshshaper.

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Drag a Bat Outta Hell

The green, platinum, and white fox crowned his voluptuous bosom with shiny platinum nipples as tall as a shot glass, and areolas just as wide.

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Ex Infernis I - The Warlock and the Vigilantes

Raven -or platinum raven as his full moniker was- replied, twisting then about in the air before adjusting the thrusters built into the wings and boots of his platinum-sheen raven-like power armor. "_watch yourselves out there guys.

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Running In The Rain Part 2

Before the door could close behind him lightning flashed and flared platinum behind him.

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